The first few days in Broome went by pretty much with nothing of note except that it was thunder storming for the entire time!
The first day that I managed to get out and do something was when I went to the Malcolm Douglas wildlife park just on the outskirts of Broome. It's only open for about 3 hours every day but visitors can get up close to the Crocs there and watch them being fed. Never seen so many in such a small space! I even got to hold a small 'Salty' which was about 9 months old, cute but still had to have its jaws tied! They have other animals at the park too such as wild birds, kangaroos , wallabies and dingoes etc and you are warned about getting too close to the cages.
This experience has just made me want to get to Darwin quicker to do 'The cage of death'!
In this picture I am holding the 9 month old Salty.
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