I will admit I got started slightly later than planned. I just kept finding things to do in the hostel before I left so set off on the road about 9.30am.
The guide books are correct...this is a boring journey. I passed through Giralia national park which is just an open sparse area of red sand and little burnt looking trees. It seemed to go on for miles till I reached highway 1 to head north. The Pilbara landscape announced itself with the arrival of giant rock formations and actual greenery! I stopped off in a road house and followed the signs into what seemed to be a Tavern. I was right in the middle of a scene from the League of Gentlemen when I walked in. A whole table of guys staring at me in a what on earth are you doing in here fashion before one of them braved a hello and I carried on.
I broke the journey up by going into Dampier and seeing a particular Red Dog on my travels before getting back on the road and realising I had been driving for almost 10 hours. The weather up here is also very random. I looked left and there was a massive rainbow across an area where it wasn't even raining. Later as the sun was setting behind me there was a thunderstorm right in front of me. I tried to catch the lightening on camera but to no avail.
I stopped in a parking bay and tried to get some sleep before doing the last stretch into Broome. Have you ever done that before? So many noises you begin to think you'll be starring in your own slasher movie at any moment. Needless to say I took quite a while to fall asleep between that and the fact it was still way too hot outside.
I awoke at about 5am and got on the road again. I almost cried a few Km later when I accidentally hit a kangaroo on the road. I was just speechless and couldn't concentrate on anything else for about another hour before I ran a snake over which was already dead in the road. I made it to Broome after taking about 16 hours to drive here. Pah Greyhound!
My plans are to be in Broome for about a week although I am not sure what I am going to fill my time with!
The picture is of me with Red dog near Dampier.
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