Today we just had to wait for the guys from Sutherland to call us back. We decided that it would be good to have a day of taking photos of some of the things we see every day. Its not easy here as the guide books all warn you that many Indians, especially the women, are superstitious about having their picture taken and can be quite offended - not that I particularly want to take pictures of them, but they are everywhere!Our plans were scuppered right from the start, it wasn't just raining it was monsooning! The rain in previous entries has sometimes been described as monsoon, basically it is that drumming driving rain we sometimes get in England, that is so hard it makes you stop what you were doing and turn to the window and look, being British usually saying 'oh its really raining!' or something along those lines. However that really hard bit often only lasts minutes in the UK, here it had been lasting all afternoon or at least for a few hours. Today it lasted nearly all day! The hotel reception flooded and everyone around looked like downed rats. Due to the lack of a Sou' Wester (and after explaining what one was to Vincent)( answers on a postcard please, but not you Rob Page! V.Ed.). we stayed in most of the day reading etcWe did decide to go for a bit of a walk before dinner and Clementine suggested we look for her favourite clothes shop Channel 9. Feeling a bit peckish a street sellers cooking smells attracted us and we ordered what we thought were veg samosas. They turned out to be a kind of potato curry in a bread sandwich all wrapped in batter and deep fried! We wandered up the road to Bandra but sadly by the time we got there my memory was faulty and we began to look for Studio 9 (close but no cigar) obviously not succeeding in our search I decided that I needed a facial cleanser to combat the muck of Bombay. We went into a suitably western place for a brand I would know and at once people started vying for our custom. The gadgets won out and two guys had a special facial typing wand and screen. I got to see just how filthy my face was, exactly what the problems with it were and also found out I had a little sunburn, although you couldn't see it just looking. They pulled no punches either! Showing me products that could correct all my faulty skin they actually didn't mind when I just chose my favourite cleanser and in fact gave me free samples of everything I liked plus a trial moisturiser for Vincent!My knees were having a hard time of it so we got a tuk tuk back to the hotel and settled down to watch a movie (Juno) and eat room service, Indian cooked Chinese - which wasn't too bad except for one little pot of sauce that contained chilli oil which nearly took our heads off, even though we are now seasoned chilli eaters.I went to bed after dinner and Vincent popped downstairs to use the wireless connection, but everyone was busy still bailing out the flooded lobby which was now a kind of river and waterfall! Sutherland never called.
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