Today I went for an interview at a posh restaurant called Bouquet Garnie. It was as posh as it sounds and I passed stage one of the interview (That seems to be a check you have all limbs attached and only one head). The second stage, of maybe as many as 9 interviews, should be next week (will keep you posted). That however was not the hard bit, here the hard bit is finding the place at all. The address was first floor Agnelo House near Mount Mary steps, Bandra Mumbai. Seems easy but asking the auto rickshaw driver to take you was a disaster. He had an idea where Mount Mary was, so took us there. Then we got out and asked the English speaking people of this well off suburb. They were very helpful and gave precise directions (most people just say take the next right, that seems to be code for no idea mate). After a beautiful walk in the hot sun (both of us suited and booted to the max) we arrived at Agnelo street. We went to each building, Agnelo school, Agnelo church, Agnelo etc………. Finally we realized we where in the wrong place. So we took a tuk tuk to a building that said Agnelo on the front. He assured us it was Agnelo house (looked about as clean as our hotel) we asked the people by the door where the interview was and they looked blank. Then they asked the next and the next until a guy told us it was down the street. We went there it was Agnelo abode. Disappointed we then asked a lady, who rang the interviewer and found it was at the previous place!In India this is how long it takes to get to an interview or find an address. Then, if I were to say that this was the 3rd one that day and the fourth day of such interviews, one minute in hot sun and the next in monsoon, you get the idea of the level of frustration. Addresses like most things here seem to be a guide, they tell you what its like and where its near but never what, or where, it actually is. This is definitely a lesson well learned in futility. On the plus side we are now two virtues up as we have cleanliness and patience.Nicole's interview that morning was equally tricky to find but in pouring rain and mud (another drowned rat interview) but she was offered a job there and then, but it didn't start till the 1st of October (a bit late for us to wait for an income). Tomorrow we will go to our 4 stage all-in-one interview at Dell in the call centre (this includes an English comprehension test, yes they have that) strange to make us do that part of the test if you ask me but when in Rome and all that. I guess it wont be hard, if you ever had to talk to a call centre in India you'll know they cant understand a word. Our contact keeps asking us why we want the job so I asked him why should we not. He told me you get lots of abuse from callers, I told him I didn't think that would be a problem (as I can understand what the person has said even if not how to fix it, and that at least is half way there).This evening we returned to the spinach haven of downstairs and after dinner we read some more of our book.
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