Today was a frustrating day. The monsoon was in full swing and we were suited and booted for an interview. Our plan was to pop to Zenzi's restaurant to get Vincent a job then pop to a cash point to get money for our room and finally get an Indian sim card to call places for jobs. It couldn't have gone worse! The tuk tuk couldn't find Zenzi's and we had to stop and get directions several times, then when we finally got there it no longer opened for lunch, only dinner, so there was no management there to talk to - in fact they wouldn't even let us in! Dismayed we went on to the next thing - hot and sweaty in our suits, we tried to get out money. Looking for an HSBC we walked for about mile in the rain asking directions in various places (the direction was invariably go down this road and next right, wherever we were) finally hot and tired we found it but my card wouldn't work. After a call to the fraud squad we sorted the cards, got the money and in fact a nice lady even got us some bottled water. We stopped for lunch in a lovely little bistro called pot pourri and had pizza to ease the frustration. We then tried to get a tuk tuk to the next interview explaining it was near Moti Mahal. Knowing it was quite a way we agreed to pay 100rs, however in keeping with that day it turned out there was more than one Moti Mahal and he took us about 500 yards down the road (not at all where we wanted) then put out his hand for the 100rs. Vincent got rather cross at this point as we had carefully explained it was in the next region before we set off and ended up giving the not too happy driver 10rs. It began to rain in earnest so we tried to walk to the nearest station (the advantage of our hotel is that its 100 yards from a station so we can always get home.) on the way we thought we'd get the sim for the phone so we could at least phone the jobs even if we couldn't get to them. We met two lovely boys who chatted to us for ages in the Vodafone shop, but the sim wouldn't work, typical. We ended up buying the cheapest handset to go with the sim (only a few quid) then got directions for the station and went home to chill out and dry off.We decided to treat ourselves to a nice dinner to make up for the terrible day so went to 'Veg Restaurant' and found a gem of a place. The fruity korma was amazing - filled with pineapple, melon, orange and fully made up for the day. Vincent threw caution to the wind and had water melon juice. It was lovely! (no ill effects either N. Ed.)
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