All alone in the big wide world
Got up at 04.00am to head up the mountain(Big hill) with Steph, Dia, Peter, Damien and Vishal. After a long sweaty walk through the town we finally arrived at the base of the thing and as you can see we too couldn't see the top so didn't really know what we were in for. Peter and Damien walked ahead, I accompanied Steph as she looked pretty worn out by the time we had even got to the base(you know what I mean Steph-scowels etc) LOL! Vishal accompanied Dia although it could have been the other way around as neither of them looked like they really wanted to climb this thing-I think they just wanted to spend some time with each other.
As there was a temple right at the top there was some kind of steps well for the first 200m or so anyway then they changed to rocks and stones.
Around 15mins later(would have been less if Sheila had got her act together-again lol) and having lost about 4 pints of sweat we inally reached the top. I needed some kind of energy so went or the quick fix of coke and mars, this wasn't such a good idea as my arms and legs were soon to start shaking due to a very high blood sugar level. From the top what appeared to be a nice view began to emerge. I thought the mist would clear more as the sun began to rise so I waited to take a picture only for the bloody mist to get even thicker.
Once we had sat around for about an hour or so cooling of Dia and Vishal emerged-we were positive they must of stopped off for a quicky-well not so quick as it took them well over an hour so maybe sevral quickies. Who knows both denied it anyhow and blamed each other for being so long getting up!
One we had cooled down it started to rain quite heavily so we rushed into the temple for shelter only to be thrown out by some crazy Indian as we hadn't removed our shoes-which we all knew was the done thing at holy sites in India.
So me and Seph made our way back down, on the way we saw some French people photographing quite a large number of monkies, us two already having had a bad experience with them we thought we would sneak on by. However this was not the case, as it was raining Steph so kindly put my hat and camera in a plastic bag to keep them dry. Little did we know this is what most people feed the monkies out of. They surrounded her and start grabbing her and ripping, biting and pulling at the bag. Had it no of been my camera in there I would have made a run or it as I didnt have to outrun the monkies only Steph! (Im only joking Steph if you read this as you know!). The French people being French told us what I suppose is all they know from how their country acts was to give them what they wanted and run away. No me being a true Englishman I fought back the monkies with my sword grabbed the damzel in distress threw her onto the back of my sallion and rode of into the sunset! Well I shoted at them a bit grabbed the bags from them waved my arms around, grabbed Steph and made a run or it! Not surprisingly we made it down the mountain (Big hill) much quicker than we got up!
Back at the hotel I was made aware o the fact that motorbikes could be hired or 400rps per day which is about 4 quid.
How could I resist the Royal Enfield 350 as is shown in my photos. Vishal also hired one also, having told me he could ride a bike we ordered two. hey arrived mine was red and his black. He couldn't even set off on his, a further investigation revealed he'd never rode a bike in his life! We exchanged for a little moped (peddle and pop) this had a max speed of 30mph and was easier to ride than a bicycle! He got on it started it up pulled the throttle right back and rode straight into a parker car in front of him. He smashed all the front wing and ripped some of the bumper off! I nearly wet myself with laughter it was so funny! Once he had some practice we headed or the petrol station some 3miles away on the main roads. This experience was quite scary at first as people ride and drive wherever they can and want! We made it there and back and having now satisfied myself that I knew the etiquet of Indian roads I decided to take Steph out for a ride around the mountains! This being her irst time on a bike she held onto my waist pretty tight think I had bruises. However after a ew hours and a few near death experiences with buses and bikes on the wrong side of the road she too gained confidence and so relaxed her a hands a bit. We spent all day just riding around the mountains, and it being monsoon season we got absolutley soaked many times but soon dried off in the hea and even managed to get a suntan!
Had to park my bike up at night because the roads were too dangerous to ride by night and so we all headed for some food at a restaurant about a miles walk away!
Had a nice meal and so decided tp walk back with Stephanie, after about 2minutes walking it absolutely hammered it down! We took shelter for about 20mins in a local net cafe. The rain didn't lighhten and the floods started. We decided we had to go a some point so we left. The cows, dogs and even some people here urinate and even crap in the street. The whole place was flooded, s*** and piss everywhere! Lucky for me I had sandels on so it could run all around my bloody feet and ankles, Steph had trainers on which were later named s*** shoes!
Made it back to the hotel only for the power to die-got in the shower fully clothed and had the longest scrub of every inch of my body and clohes ever. I was disguisting but after felt so clean well as clean as can be over here!
Word of advice bring waiders if going to Pushkar-actually anywhere in India during the monsoons!!
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