All alone in the big wide world
Got up this morning at 05.15am as we were off to watch the Sun rise over the Taj Mahal. This place was the one main reason why India should be visited! We all piled on the bus at 06.00am and made our way to the Taj, it wasn't very far but the bus was extremely hot for that time on a morning! Security was quite strict due to the recent terror threats and the fact that India was celebrating Independance from Britain on Aug 15th (59yrs to be precise)! We were nicely frisked by some beefy guys with rather big weapons! We only had two hours to wonder around the place and as soon as I got there loads of people were asking to have their photo's taken with me as you can see from above! The place was that magnificently clean it looked unreal! No pictures were allowed to be taken inside the Taj in order to preserve the contents. Well the only contents were two bodies which lay in a tomb below the actual floor of the Taj! Also to walk around the place even the outside we had to wear overshoes-this was the only clean place I had witnessed in India!
After watching the sunrise and seeing the awesome views we made our way back to the hotel, but to get to our diesel powered bus we had to leave the Taj via a battery powered bus again to keep pollution down around the Taj.
Back at the hotel I had a shower due to the fact that I had sweated out around four pints during my walk around the place! Thats why it was best to have photos done before!
After the shower me Steph, Dia and Vishal went into town shopping-well I was just going in to put my pictures on cd. We got a TUK TUK for the day for a mere 60 rps a little over 60pence. Generally just relaxed all day in the jewellers as he had the internet and AC, plus the other guys could check out his merchandise! Also he had a rooftop where he took us to see the Taj. We were quite trusting of him to go up there, I always have the impression they want to kill us westerners by the way they look at us!
Later that night some of us were going to Delhi and some leaving for Nepal so we decided to meet at the delightful 'Pizza Hut' for food! As far as Pizza is concerned we had a decent feast and left for Delhi on the 19.00pm train. The three and half hour journey seemed to fly by.
Arrived in Delhi to more hustle and bustle but it seemed ok, well the infrastructure was all intact, the road had markings on and the people seemed to following some kind of rules and regulations so it wasnt all that bad-much better than Mumbai (Bombay). The only problem was our hotel was in the middle of nowhere and our driver didnt really have a clue where it was, but sure as hell he knew where the bloody horn was and so showed us this by pressing the damned thing all the way there. Its a good job we hadnt been up since 05.00am and were pretty tired otherwise the horn could have been extremely annoying.
Finally arrived at the hotel which was ok I guess, so tired but we still all managed one Kingfisher regretfully and headed off to bed!
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