All alone in the big wide world
Woke up this morning at 05.45am to banging on my door....thought i was dreaming until two of the bloody beel boys bust in dragged me out of bed chuked me last nights clothes and in broken English "21 minutes train come and go, you no on, hurry, hurry!!". I'd forgot to set my alarm, grabbed all my things run downstairs and straight into the worlds oldest most dangerous excuse for a taxi ever. This didn't phase at the time as I was still full of Kingfisher!! Got to the train station some 15minutes from the hotel to realise I'd left all my rupees in my prized possession the Lonely Planets Guide to India-basically my bible whilst I'm here! Had to phone the hotel who were so kind in sending one of their bell boys via a taxi with all my things. Thought he'd never make it but luckily there was a small delay with the train and so I was reunited with my bible- my first instance being a green as grass traveller so lessons will be learn't here children! Caught the the train thinking it would be kinda scary due to all the bombings that had been in the news but it was an air-conditioned carriage and felt really safe as we pulled out of Mumbai train station! Fund Erin at the back absolutely spewing her guts up bless her she was in a right state! After 7hrs on the train we arrived in Ahmedabad which was slightly better than Mumbai but still had areas of poverty, no fresh air and an extremly smelly atmosphere! The hotel here was really nice, very modern and extremly clean. Got my rucksack in the room and headed off to the Sabarmati Ashram, the place where Ghandi Lived for a period of time and founded the Ashram. We got here via an auto-rickshaw which like a scooter styled from and two wheels at the back with a cab which covers the driver and passengers! Felt safe for about 30secs (time sat still until motion) once on the road we were in and out of traffic, wrong sides of roads in hedge bottoms-thought I was bad!!! Also all the Indians do is blast there horns at absolutely everyone and nobody has wing-mirrors which explains the horns! After we'd been here I was extremely tired so retired to my bed for a bit before we were due to meet up later for some food but had my ipod on so missed my calls and knocking at the door so early night for me, which I didn't mind as was rather tired! My confidence has grown now as every Indian is friendly and wanting pictures with me and to feel my arms- feel a little like Big arms, he'd love it over here " give over, give over- go on touch them!" Hope your all well? take care and speak soon! Pics will be mid August when i get to a more developed city!
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