Birthday Update Part 2
Yesterday Nicole, Alyssa, Stacey and I pulled a mission to South Yarra to hit up T.G.I. Friday's for Aren's 21st birthday celebration.
However, we were slightly…okay, maybe a little more than that….delayed because there was a "situation" with the subway and service was no longer running at our station. Boy did this remind me of home so much…when people fool around by the tracks and someone gets pushed over or some crazy person tries to kill someone, and lets not forget the routine suicide attempts….
So there was a sea of people all over the roadways but luckily we managed to squeeze on to a bus…I was almost on top of the driver (which by the way, he was "in training" and slammed on the breaks so hard I was lucky my head didn't go through the windshield haha). Eventually we made it to the restaurant and by this time I was starving! I ordered the best chicken sandwich ever. It was like heaven!
We didn't make it back to campus until about 11pm and knowing that I had class the next day I just wanted to crawl into bed and go to sleep…however, I was persuaded to go to Aeren's room "just for a second"….and then Ta-da! When she opened the door to her res room, all of our friends were inside!!!!! I was so confused as to how I didn't know about this beforehand! Then, Nicole cleared it up by explained that the surprise was also meant for me…(even though my Sydney weekend getaway was more than enough!)..I was also confused by how they got into the room when her door was locked….Terence stepped up to the plate to explain his "Mexican abilities" and how he easily climbed in through the window….god, I love this place.
They even made a cake for us!!! And a fancy one at that! (pictures will be posted soon!)
I'm so glad I met all these people and have a solid group of friends here…. "the family" as we often refer to ourselves (its just so much easier than saying everyone name individually haha)
Tonight is phase 2 of Aeren's birthday held at none other than the infamous Nott…but sadly, school has consumed my life……
Speaking of school… I need to get off this blog site and get crackin'….
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