Well I'm all packed up for Sydney….almost!
I'm not checking in any bags (the airline charges you extra for this!), so I am trying to cram everything into a backpack…but its not working out so well. And, since the airports are all crazy with their security a few of us pulled a mission to Kmart to buy those tiny refill bottles…you know, the ones for shampoo and stuff….so I just spend the last half hour squeezing sunscreen into one….its definitely messy, but hey at least it made my room smell nice.
I'm so excited for this trip! And its not just because its my birthday weekend!! (ps- for those of you wanting to wish me happy B-day, please keep in mind that Sunday evening in Canada is actually Monday morning for me here in Melbourne….wouldn't want you to mess up the time difference! Also, please be advised that my flight doesn't come in until lunch time haha) Anywho, I'm mostly excited that I get to celebrate with some pretty amazing people!!! (minus a few of them who have already ventured to Sydney…you'll be missed!)….I had dinner with some of the girls tonight and it looks like its going to be a jam packed weekend.
This is our tentative plan: We arrive late Thursday night to our hostel in King's Cross…then Friday we have a tour of the city and Harbor Cruise….Saturday is the bridge climb….Sunday = the beach!!!...Monday = return home (hopefully in one piece!)
I have no idea if the above mentioned plan is going to work, but we're hoping for the best!
I have class tomorrow until 4 o'clock…then we are all going to meet for dinner before heading off to the airport!
Can't waittttt!
Okay, better get some sleep!
Keep ya posted!
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