"How YOU goin?" (the Aussie version of "hows IT goin?")
Another successful day at school....
I had class today from 10-2...and believe it or not, I have all my classes with this girl named Kathleen...and ready? She's Canadian too! (From Carleton University) . I swear Canadians have some kind of secret radar because we always seem to find each other!
After class I went to the gym (7th day in a row!- whooo!). Then Alyssa told me the best news! Her hall had a free what did I do? Tucked my keys away and pretended to live at her my opinion it was a great plan and I scored some of the best lasagne I have ever had (oh and salad, and garlic bread, and dessert....mmmm) I love when we get free food here/don't have to cook!
I also stood in line for "sheet exchange". Every Tuesday evening you can take your bed sheets to the Operations office and they will give you fresh clean ones! Its the greatest thing since sliced bread. That saves me a load of laundry a week.
Tonight a few people are going to 'Cheers' (uni pub), but I think I am going to stay in and watch a movie (yay Shakespeer!). I'm exhausted!
Just looking at my schedule for the next few weeks makes me want to take a nap! Please observe:
March 20th- Botanical Garden Field Trip
March 21st and 22nd- Great Ocean Road Trip (Surf Camp! Yaaaaa)
March 26th- 30th- Krista's Birthday Extravaganza in Sydney!
April 4th- March of the Penguins (but really though!)
April 7th- Mom comes to visit <3
April 12th-17th- Sydney round #2
The end. (oh and I'm going to try to squeeze in a bit of school work in between- wish me luck!)
Okay I should get some reading done on my BIG BED (random story time: so all the beds in the halls of residence are standard single beds, if you've seen one, you've seen 'em all. Anywho, so after I came back from the zoo a few weeks ago, I opened the door to my room and BAM! My cozy small bed was replaced with a much bigger bed (comfortably fits two people!). I was so confused, as I didn't even know these beds existed. So I went to MRS to sort out the mess. After two days of questioning, I found out that some dude (probably a tall one) had requested the bed but wrote down the wrong hall. So to make a long story short, I kept the bed and now I'm a baller.)
Homework time. Write soon!
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