I GOT MAIL TODAY!!! (thanks to Aly!!)
You have no idea how excited I get to go to my little mailbox in the common room....they separate the mail by the first letter of your last name...and I also get paranoid that someone is going to steal my mail (ya, ya, I know its a long shot..but it still makes me nervous!)
So for those of you wondering how to surprise me (you know, aside the fact from hopping on a plane and knocking on my door...) just sent me mail! I'll take anything...a post card, a letter, a random photo...whatever you got!!
Today was a really productive day...I was up early (searching for certain people on Skype....but no luck!), so I went to the gym and pulled a mission to the library to start my AUS 1060 paper....and fast forward about 5 hours later and I wrote four pages, made a title page, and a bibliography! I was pretty impressed with myself :)
I had to start the paper, its due Tuesday, because tomorrow I have class until 4...then Friday I might go to the beach with Nicole if the weather is nice...and then Saturday I'm off to see the penguins!!
Man, I can never catch a break here...its always go-go-go! I'm beginning to learn how to run off a few hours of sleep though, everyone back home would be proud!
Tonight we're heading into the city for Aeren's birthday dinner!! I always get so excited to eat real food!! (not this dining hall nonsense). Then again, I went to Cole's yesterday so this morning I had the ultimate breakfast! (cereal + bananas + chocolate muffin...mmmmm).
Well I better go get ready!
Oh, only 8 more days until my mom comes to visit <3
And my dad/step-mom/sister also booked their flights for July! Looks like I've got a busy schedule ahead of me!!
And for those of you planning to advice is BOOK EARLY!!!
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