Contrary to popular belief...I did not disappear 'down under'.
My life has been turned upside down for the past 3 weeks and rather than update my blog, I decided to immerse myself in true Australian culture (i.e. Drinking lots of 'Victoria Bitter').
I don't even know where to begin this entry. I apologize to those who have been checking my site religiously to see if I have any new posts and sadly the only thing I have managed to accomplish is making a few quick photo albums (mostly because I was tried of people messaging me with "OMG, show me your pictures!" haha). Unfortunately the pictures don't mean much without the story behind them, so I will do my best to retrace the last 24 days of my life in Melbourne. I've experienced a lot here so far...everything from moments where I felt on top of the moments where I wanted to break down in tears (this is be explained!).
So, lets go back to February 14th (how bad is that? It feels like forever ago!). The flight from Korea to Melbourne wasn't quite as comfortable as my flight from Korea to Toronto. The plane was a lot smaller, but luckily they played English movies (I drifted in and out trying to watch Eagle eye.....I still haven't seen the whole thing!). It was a red eye flight, so time went by kind of fast. I found it odd that the guy I sat beside didn't say one word to me during our 11 hour flight. Mind you, I could have started the conversation, but he seemed like the quiet 'no nonsense' kind of person, so I just kept my mouth shut. I tried to keep busy with my ipod, magazines, and the occasionally snack...but sleeping was definitely the best way to past the time. Fast forward 11 hours later and I arrived!!!!! I was excited/nervous/sad/anxious....everything all at once. First thing I realized, I wore the wrong outfit on the plane! I had a thick sweater on and long soon as I walked off the plane, I was welcomed to a more tropical climate. I wanted to run into the bathroom and change...until I saw the ridiculously long customs line!!! I mean it was HUGE. It took me about 45 mins just to get to the front for some Aussie guy to ask me "so your Canadian?" "yes" "ahh! I love Canadians!" He stamped my passport and that was the end of it. I thought I was in the clear. Wrong. The Melbourne Airport has the most messed up baggage collection process. You have to wait in a long line to get a cart to carry your stuff, then you have to make your way through hundreds of people to get to your carousel of luggage....this whole process took another 30 mins. Finally, I spotted by luggage! Yay!!! (my worst fear was this it would get lost in transit! Which FYI did happen to people I met here! News update: Quantas, an Australian airline went on strike and 'misplaced' a few of my friend's bags!! Luckily they arrived safe and sound a few days later....but still! For those of you thinking that your luggage is safe, think again!)
Anyways, I picked up bags and made my way to the "meeting point" my school has instructed me to. It was a breeze. Right away I saw a bunch of random drivers all holding up signs with people's names...I didn't spot my name, but I did see a big sign for "Monash University". The driver even asked me if I was Krista!! It was perfect. He told me we were waiting for one for student. About 5 mins later, Chase (who ended up living just down the hall from me, arrived). We introduced ourselves (semi-awkward) and made our way to the car. Right away I made the classic mistake of getting into the passenger seat!!!! (if you don't understand why that is funny....look up how people drive in Australia.....its on the other side of the road...therefore our passenger seat is actually their driver's seat...ugh...I am still getting used to it). So after feeling like a tool, I quickly changed seats. Chase and I talked the whole way to our school...about where we were from, our families, what we're studying...the usual. He told me he also had a friend from his home school studying at Monash as well (which turns out to be Alec...he too, lives down the hall from me....small world eh?)
So we finally arrive at school! We go to MRS (Monash Residential Services) and check in, fill out all kinds of paper work and I am given my room key. Props to Farrer Hall- Commons- Room 169!!! The first thing I though of was 'wow, this looks exactly like Founders' (my residence in first year at York), so it felt a little bit like home. The boys helped me with my suitcases and before I did anything else, I jumped into the shower (it was weird having to wear flip flops in the shower again, but now I don't even think twice about it!)
Next thing I know, I'm being invited to go the beach. I have literally been in the country for about 4 hours and I'm already falling in love with it. The beach? Me? YES. I didn't unpack a single thing before I headed out. We all meet up in a group and our Australian tour guide (aka John) took us in the city and down to St. Kilda's...the local beach...(you can find me there when I'm not in class). The weather was beautiful!!! The beach was amazing!!! I didn't know at at the time, but the people I met that day (and I'm not even going to list them, in case I forget anyone!) have become my best friends here. Honestly, I am so thankful I went out that day, even though I was was so worth it. Of coarse it was kind of awkward introducing myself 100 times, but in the end it all paid off...big time. The whole day is kind of a blur, we stayed down there all day...laid by the beach, took a stroll on the boardwalk, and ended the night with 'fish and chips' down on the sand. It was the perfect way to start my Aussie adventures.....
The next day was Sunday. I have no idea what I did on this too far back to remember. I assume I unpacked though, tried to get my internet set up (my god that was pain lol) and made a phone call home!
The next week was FULL of orientation stuff. Every day, all day, all week. It was intense. I must say, it was all very organized and it was another great way to get to know everyone here. It was basically a 9-4 day, then out all night venturing into the downtown core. I can't even remember half the stuff we did, but some highlights included: a powerpoint slide dedicated to learning all about the spiders here (great!), signing up for trips and tours (I will explain in detail later), learn how to talk Aussie (G'Day Mate!!!), and most importantly ridiculous amounts of pub crawls!! That whole week was a big giant mess. I can't even separate the days. I was running off 3-4 hours sleep a night for an entire week...I now know what its like to feel like a zombie. Thank god for coffee (which by the way, don't even think about asking for a 'medium double double' here, they will look at you like you have two heads.....I have now added 'tall black' into my vocabulary haha) The week came to an end with a dinner/dance at Red Scooter (err, Red Rooster? Haha). This place was very classy and cute and we all got dressed the end of the night, we ended up in some sketchy hole-in-the-wall was literally an alley...the music was ridiculous (its very hard to find Western-style music here)....we stayed out ALL night and caught the nightrider bus back to res (FYI- when the trains from the city stop running, there is a bus that will take you steps away from my building...and the best part is it runs until 4:30 you can make it home and not have to pay for a taxi!)
So after that week was done...I thought I would be able to relax and bit (and yes, maybe even update my blog)...but no, O-Week was about to begin!! (the Aussie version of "Frosh Week"...and let me tell you, there is no such thing as 'dry frosh' week here...the legal drinking age is 18, need I say more?)
O-week is to be celebrated with your residence hall (Farrer, Deakin, Roberts, Richardson, Howitt, Normanby house), but since I made friends from all different halls....I didn't go to all the events...sometimes we even skipped out on entire days and just did our own thing. I cannot stress how much I love these people, the friends I have made here are my saving grace. Just so you know, most of them are American.....and once close Canadian- Cat (believe it or not...she goes to York!! We met about 6 months ago at my exchange orientation but we never kept in touch....she actually ran into me in the Operations office randomly...and we've been inseparable ever since....hey, hey, the Canadians have to stick together around here...there isn't very many of us....and I need her to come to my defence when people start making fun of my accent haha....*the words about/bag/bagel come to mine*)
Anywho, we did all kinds of crazy events that week....they have this thing here called "host scheme"...I'm not even sure how to define it...its really just an excuse to party...but its basically when all the university clubs get together and get people to sign up and one of the clubs was hosting this huge party at a downtown we all bought tickets and put on our Sunday best....the club was HUGE! The night is kind of hard to remember...but many, many stories from that night are still being talked about, so you KNOW it was a good night haha.
I am now referring to my school agenda (I got it free from student services!) to help jog my memory in regards to O-week. So this is what I have: Monday- host scheme night, Tuesday- Beach (My hall went to Mornington beach, it was sooooo beautiful, please refer to the pictures), Wednesday- Farrer games (okay, I remember I skipped what the heck did I do?! Ohhh, maybe this is when I went to get my cell phone...ya, thats right...I didn't want to get one, but then I caved....I got a pre-paid virgin mobile yes, its called a MOBILE here, NEVER a cell phone*, I put a 50$ card on it and so far I'm down to 22.00, so its working out pretty well), Thursday- Luna Park (google it, its very famous...its not the best amusement park in the world, I just think its cool because its right on the boardwalk and its in Australia!! need I say more?), and finally Friday- the Melbourne Zoo (it was so hot on this day, I'm suprised I didn't get heat was your average zoo tho...but I finally got to see Kangaroos and Koalas!! It was the highlight of O-week....sadly, I didn't get to pet/feed them here...oh but don't you worry...I am on mission here and I guarantee I will do it before I leave!)
Okay so at some point during this exciting week...I had the worst experience. My macbook CRASHED!!!!! But thats not the worst part! Like and idiot, I didn't back up anything!!! I lost it all!! I almost cried that morning, it was tough. All I wanted to do was call my mom...but she was on vacation, go figure! Haha So I sucked it up and pulled a mission into Malvern to the nearest Apple store....they kept my baby overnight and called the next day with the bad news: it was my hard drive. It was toast. Long story short, I ended up paying 300$ AUS for parts/labour. I mailed my old hard drive back to my parents, so hopefully they can have someone in Canada retrieve some data off of it (so fingers crossed! Its not so much the written documents I care about, but my PICTURES!). So yea, that was my first (of many I'm sure) eventful experiences in Australia. Lesson learned. And for those of you reading this, stop what you're doing and BACK UP YOUR FILES. Just imagine if tomorrow morning you turned on your computer and nothing was there?! Did your heart sink?! Yea, thats what I thought. Now imagine me in a foreign country trying not to have mental breakdown. When I look back, I'm kinda of (and I am stressing 'kind of') happy that this whole thing happened..because I proved to myself that no matter what happens here, I can handle it and things always have a way of working themselves out...I mean, my computer is working now and I learned that screw ups are bound to happen (for more insightful words of wisdom, please visit the following website: ---> FYI "F my life" has become a very popular saying among my friends and I while studying abroad....I probably say it at least twice a day while I am here. Sorry mom for the language...its meant in a humorous way, not in an offensive way haha.
Fast forward a few days later and ta-da...its the first day of class! YES, despite how my lifestyle may look, I am actually here to learn. My courses for this semester are: sexuality and gender studies, media and consumption, history of deviance, and most importantly Australian Idol! After finishing one full week of school, I realize that uni (yes, they call it 'uni' and never 'university') here operates very similarly to school back home. You have lectures, tutorial (aka 'tutes'---> yes, I still laugh when I hear it), and seminars. Class sizes are pretty average and my professor's seem fairly approachable. The highlight of my first week has to be in AUS1060...when my prof. actually handed out a 6 pack of beer to a student who answered his question correctly. Only in Australia is drinking in a classroom encouraged. This class, aimed at international students, is going to be my favourite! Its all about Aussie culture and history and whatnot (not to mention all the amazing filed trips we're going on!)
The rest of my school week was pretty average. Thursday nights are pub nights (sound familiar?) and where do you go? TO THE NOTT! The local uni pub about a 15 min walk from res. It was a pretty good place. So many people go though so its always packed. Not sure how often I'll go, but I must say 'snakebite' had now become one of my favourite drinks...I'm not even sure whats in it other than beer, but if your curious, I'm sure you could look it up on line.
This past week was also eventful, as usual. Friday night was the biggest mission...and it was all because of the Pizza Hut and their inability to locate our residence. I played telephone tag with the store for about an hour, trying to explain where Monash University was. I even had 2 of my friends go out to the main road to try and flag down the driver! Eventuallllllly, the pizza arrives and it was the best Hawaiian pizza ever. The night consisted of eating pizza and watching movies...kinda boring? Think again. I can confidently that I have lived through my first earth quake. I didn't even know earth quakes exist here?! Mind you, it wasn't a big one or anything, but the room definitely shook! I wasn't scared or anything, just confused. I only found out the next day from the new, that I had indeed experienced an earthquake!
The next day I went to the library (for the first time) and did some reading and got familiar with which chairs are the most comfy (very important aspect of student life at uni). That night...we ventured downtown in Melbourne and went to the Crown Casino!! Cause we're classy like that :) I didn't win anything though. We also walked around the yarra river and night and got some ice cream (another awesome Aussie past time). Its very cute down by the river, I think I'll be going there a lot.
This brings me to Sunday. And even on this day, I didn't sleep in. I went to the gym like a champ. My friends Alyssa and Maria are very decimated gym buddies we made a schedule and everything! So I'll keep you posted on that.
Today I had 2 classes so it wasn't too bad....and right now I'm in my pj's all ready for bed. I'm exhausted. So I think I'll download a movie (however, I must first explain that DC++ (or Shakespeer for mac) is the best program ever! You can download all the movies and music you want for free all at the click of a button! So I can keep up on the show's back home i.e. Grey's Anatomy <3)
Okay, I think this entry is long enough...I have many more stories to tell...and I promise to write more soon!
Thanks again for putting up with me and having patience!
ps- to those of who write messages on my wall! THANK YOU! It means the world to me!
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