I'M ALIVE!!!!!
I made it to Melbourne (after surviving a brutal 7 hour wait in the Incheon Airport in Korea plus an 11 hour plane ride)…..I'm HERE!!!!
This is the first time in 5 days that I have been able to sit down and rest for a minute! (I actually have about 45 mins before I head downtown for the pub crawl).
I don't even know where to start… but I think its appropriate to let everyone in on my little "mishap" at the hotel I was staying at in Korea. When I checked in I was super excited to find out they had wireless Internet for FREE. So I used my ultra-super adaptor/voltage converter thing to plug in my laptop….about 20 mins in, I smell plastic burning and I see smoke!!! I panicked!!! I wrapped a towel around my hand (ya, right as if this would help!) and I pulled out the adaptor from the wall socket….just in time too, the device was SO hot!!! Oh man, it wasn't fun. I didn't know what to do and I couldn't get the adapter to cool down so I put in the freezer!!! Thank god my room came with a fridge/freeze combo! Haha….I know your probably reading this and going "god, she's retarded" (or 'WTF, Mate?', I feel is more appropriate)…but really, what would you have done?!!?
So after that disaster, I decided to use the computer in my room instead and thank god it worked because the hotel for some unknown reason only had Korean TV shows. That's how I spent my night there. The hotel I stayed in was actually very nice/clean/big, so I was happy with that. Plus the hotel arranged my airport drop-off for me and the driver actually spoke English very well. The only complaint I have is that I asked for a wake up call at 10:00am and NEVER GOT IT! Luckily I'm a morning person or I would have totally missed my check out time.
So I checked out by lunch and made my way to Incheon…I had about 7 hours to kill…yes, count them: 7! I could have paid an extra 50,000 Won to the hotel to stay there the day but I really couldn't justify this to myself (yes, I am aware that I can be cheap). So when I got to the airport I grabbed some lunch and Dunkin' Donuts (for the last time ever!) and settled in to a comfy chair. I read, listened to music, people-watched. It wasn't too bad and I did witness some pretty amusing things. For example, I was wearing a cross necklace and I'm pretty sure about 5 different times, Korean bible thumpers would approach me with their religion gibberish….my response " thanks" *shakes head.
Eventuallllllyyyyyy it was time to check in and once again my bags were over the maximum wait. I was fully prepared to pay the additional fee, but the guy who checked me in couldn't speak English very well and he just let me go (whoo!). I went through security and grabbed a snack. I still had about 3 hours until my flight so I walked around the entire airport and I must say it was one of the nicest airports I have ever been to. It has every high fashion store you can think of…..not that I could afford any of the items inside.
The most exciting part of the day was my encounter with my first REAL Australian. I sat near the phone booths and this surfer-looking dude came to make a call to one of his friends and BAM! Biggest Australian accent I have ever heard…like I'm talking Steve Irwin x 10. It was hilarious and that's when I got super pumped for my Australian Adventure….
Ahhh! I'm going to be late for orientation!!
I promise to update more soon!
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