Well, you'd all be proud of me guys...its Saturday night here in Melbourne and I've officially declined the offer to go into the city tonight (I know, I am in still shock!). This will be the first time since I've been here that I am actually going to stay in and just relaxxxx. The weather here is also really crappy...its been raining on and off all day (and yes, I did get caught in a downpour on the way back from the wasn't pretty). It looked like it was going to clear up around dinner time, but nope...its raining again. Although I hate the rain because it forces me to stay inside, for the sake of Australia's drought, I say 'bring it on'. I know this ONE rainfall won't really make a difference, but hey, its better than nothing.
The past few days have been go-go-go...then again, what else is new about my new-found Australian lifestyle? I finished class Thursday at 4:00, went to the gym, made dinner and then got ready for the Nott. It was my friend Ray's 21st birthday and we obviously needed to celebrate! She's also from California so for all the American's here, 21 is a big deal (please refer to the country's legal drinking age). The night was pretty can always count on the Nott for the most random encounters. Grace: "Yeah, but its her birthday." Bouncer: "I don't care." Grace "Yes you do!!" Bouncer: "No I don' you want to get in this bar?" Highlight of the night. And the best part was, we hadn't even set foot inside yet. Then of coarse at midnight, we all gather around to sing Ray a happy birthday...and being such clever people, Maria and I stood up on the picnic tables outside...and found ourselves getting in trouble again with the bouncer haha. What a horrible job! I mean really, I wouldn't want to spend my night trying to contain rowdy university kids. No thanks.
Friday I got up super early and met up with a group of girls to go to the beach (what else is new?). We went to this place called Mordialloc. Its actually pretty close, you don't even need to take the train to get there. Although getting up at 8am was hard, it was so worth it. We had the best breakfast at this cute little cafe on the beach (pics to prove it!) and then headed down to the surf. I swear the weather was on our side that day, it was one of the hottest day I've had here . I got about 6 hours of good quality sun in...and yes mom, I layered on the sunscreen. No burns. Just golden brown skin now. I love it. My goal here is to develop a perma-tan, which I think is possible with a little dedication.
Friday night a big group of us went into the city for Ray's birthday dinner. We went to this classy Italian restaurant down by the Yarra River. It was a really great way to start the weekend. Random thought: I also enjoy how we travel in a herd when we go out haha...this means wherever we go, we always get noticed (sometimes this isn't a good thing hahaha). We didn't stay out too late though because a bunch of people planned a trip with Monash Sport to swim with the dolphins today, but sadly it was cancelled due to the weather (sorry girls!) Hopefully they can reschedule it though!
Ugh. I'm exhausted. I read like a champ today---> someone from back home inspired me!!!
I think I am going to lose myself in 'Shakespeer' and pass out.
Keep ya posted!
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