Little Kirsty Ventures to Pastures New
Thursday 13th April
Headed back to the school with Aman to meet with Penelope and Colin (our Gap representative from the UK) to talk over our placement. When we went out to meet them, I was shocked to see a greeting smile on the Principal's face and then to all be invited into her office for a short chat (she doesn't usually take the time to talk to Aman and I).
Colin asked how she thinks the placement is going and she said it was good, no complaints so far. After our short meeting, we headed to the canteen to have a more private chat with Catherine, Johnston, Colin + Penele. Was amusing cause Catherine filled us in on the moments before the arrival of Colin. Catherine had told the Principal that they were coming to meet her, the Principal replied that she was too busy and needed to go home, but as soon as she noticed there was a man arriving from the Department of Education with Colin, she smartened herself up and invited us all in- ha! Catherine does like to gossip though!
Colin was very keen to hear about how teaching in the deaf dept was going and seemed very happy with what we've been doing. He says there have only been 2 successful placements in Sabah and ours has been one of them.
Catherine mentioned that the deaf primary school could really do with a Gapper, but after much discussion, it just doesn't seem possible due to the state of the school and the ill treatment of the students by the teachers. She continued to push for 2 deaf gapers to come to SMK DPM, but I know for a fact it will be hard to find a deaf person with the ability to communicate with hearing people as Aman has. Her lip reading is perfect and her speech is clear- which is pretty rare. Colin said they're struggling to find gappers for next year so we'll have to wait and see. Our school is definitely being kept on for gappers to use though, which is cool.
I'm definitely beginning to appreciate more and more, the school I've been placed at. Especially with Johnston and Catherine's support- they've both been great. They may not take us out on the town, but they're always there if we need help with something in the school. Georgie and Catherine haven't really got a good deal and Jade and Madlen have only got about 2 classes a week if they're lucky, so the time must go soo slowly for them!
I think Colin left with a pretty good impression of the placement. Aman and I soon headed back to the hotel. I began to help mum sort of the masses of Hong Kong shopping, that I was hoping she would fit in her luggage to take home. Wasn't looking likely :-S. Jade popped over to the hotel to see Georgie and they chilled at the hotel as mammy and I got some lunch and actually had to go out and buy a full blown suitcase that mum was gona slyly try to take on the plane as hand luggage (just so we could fit all my crap in!)
Little Italy again that evening- getting beyond a joke- we almost got laughed at by the waiters, they love us though. The place was mobbed and booked out, but they managed to squeeze us in somewhere and as usual, put our order to the front of the queue- gota love it! Me and mum were thinking, we gota get them all some whisky before I leave!
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