Jess's Overseas Adventures!
Hi everyone!
I know, I'm sorry I've been really slack and haven't put anything on here for ages...
Well in the last few weeks, I've just had the usual work routine. I stop work at the bar on the 21st of October and nannying probably at the end of October. I have to move out of my flat at the end of October, so i think I might do some travelling before the 18th of November (my flight to Buenos Aires).
I went to Cardiff at the end of August for the bank holiday with Roxanne and Lex - Rox on the left and Lex on the right in the picture above. Basically, the girls are South African so we couldn't go anywhere in europe as they have to get visas. We stayed in a lovely 4 star hotel called the McDonald Holland which we got at about 50% off I think. We had a fantastic time, lots of margaritas and tequila (Rox is a big fan but of only the good stuff) and we went back to this lovely tapas place 2 days in a row as the food was so good and the cocktails were 2 for 1 during happy hour! Actually on the Sunday we got the Sunday deal which was a whole roast chicken to carve at the table yourself, crispy potatoes in tomato sauce, a mini salad, bread and 2 creme catalanas for 9 pounds for everything! unbelieveable. That's roughly the cost of one main in this area of London!
We went to a music festival as well called the metro weekender, but I have to say I don't really think I'm the festival type. The saturday was just bands, which we didn't really like so we left early, and the Sunday was DJs but I didn't know the music so found it a bit hard to get into.
Highlight of the monday was the afternoon tea we had in the hotel's bar - so much better than the dodgy tapas we had that lunchtime in the centre of the city. "Garlic Bread with Cheese" which was actually bread and cheese with about a litre of oil poured over it - we lifted up the bread basket and the oil had gone right through and dripped between the cracks of the table into a big puddle on the floor- ewwwwww.
Anyway since then, I've been down to see the family in Surrey on a Sunday, lovely to see little Lily power walking around the place with no fear! Also, I went bowling on one of my nights off with my manager Redin.. I was worried as I'm crap at bowling and haven't done it for ages, but we both were a bit bored so needed to do something. And you won't believe it, I won both games, he he he. This was followed by cheap and tasty - except for the beef - chinese on bayswater road, which is very touristy, where the restaurant (actually tiny room) seemed to have a love for gaffa tape which was everywhere - random!
Last Sunday I went to Richmond with a fellow Nanny called Jess from NZ - one of the kids she looks after is in Louis' class. Richmond is south of the river, right on the riverbank and really lovely. So we went and got some food and just lay in the sun eating.
September has been quite nice so far but now its getting colder. Thank god I won't be here when its really cold, I can't imagine what its like. And its raining more now, uuughh, which I'm not enjoying as I still don't own an umbrella.
Oh, also last Tuesday, I met my cousin Jordi at Eclipse, which is a bar on the same street I work on - actually just across the road. She was there with some other friends too. Then the 4 of us went to dinner at Luna Rossa, which is an italian place which does great pizzas, also across the road from work. Then I showed her the bar I work at and we had a few drinks there.
Anyway that's all for now, take care everyone!
Go the Swans! I HATE west coast.
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