Jess's Overseas Adventures!
Hi everyone!
Sorry I've been so slack and haven't written an entry for a while... I've been working heaps lately, the weddings coming up for Hal and Laura (family I nanny for) so I've been nannying during he week every day and then working a couple of weeknights plus on the weekend.
I did manage to get last Sunday off and I have tomorrow off too which is great. Last Sunday I met Roxanne - the other waitress at work - for some drinks in Fulham on Parsons Green. There's a pub on the park there and they let you take jugs of pimms out onto the park so we made our way through a few of those. There were about 5 of us sitting there for a couple of hours until about 6 then we went to a pub in Putney on the river and had another drink. I headed home earlyish as I had to work early monday but ended up going past work on my way home and had some pizza and a drink across the road with some work friends.
Nothing very eventful otherwise happening in London, but I did have an amazing time in Paris thanks to Walter and Sarah! There are a few photos in the album - nothing particularly parisian, just us being silly on the champs-elysee after our dinner with the belvedere guy at hotel costes.
Don't reallly have time to expand on how great it was as I have to run to work but maybe if I'm not too slack I'll do another entry! Lets just say for the moment that I ate my way through paris thanks to Wally and Sars, key moments were the bountiful helpings of fois gras, cheescake in the russian quarter, and the best mash potato I've ever had in the Hotel Costes...
And for those of you who haven't heard yet... I met Miss Kylie Minogue! Can you believe it! Very exciting I know, I even shook her hand, ahhh, sigh.
Anyway, hopefully I'll get back on track, and I'll try and take some more photos..
lots of love xx
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