Jess's Overseas Adventures!
Hi again...
well I arrived in London on Sunday night. Tav's place is in Shepherds Bush, which is quite close to everything. When I arrived there were 2 other Adelaide girls staying there as well, Liz and Emily but they've gone up to Yorkshire. Tav's flatmate Henry is in Italy at the moment so i have his room now that the other girls have gone.
I met Laura and her two children on monday, Louis who is 5 and Grace who is about 6 months, both extremely lovely, Louis is very lively!
On Monday I had a decent walk around Notting Hill and also walked around regent St area a little bit. Tuesday i went into the city with other girls, we went to the V&A Museum which was very interesting... I could have spent all day in the British galleries looking at medieval artifacts etc, but we didn't stay too long. Had a quick perusal of Harrods and bought some salad for lunch there. I went to the Tate Modern in the afternoon by myself and had a wander around.
Found an excellent place to live in in Westbourne Park which is brilliant as that is super close to Laura and I can just walk which saves money on the tube. Went to see it last night, and I'm hearing from them on Friday whether or not I've got the room, so fingers crossed but I don't want to get my hopes up. After that, the girls and i had a drink at a pub in Notting Hill.
Today I went for a stroll around Mayfair, taking in the sights of all the lovely houses, the oversized US embassy which looks gastly amongst all the beautiful buildings, and Grosvenor and Berkeley Square. Also had a wander around Selfridges and back to Notting Hill for a coffee as I worked for Laura for a brief 2 hours today! Louis had a friend over so I just helped Laura out while she made supper for them. Louis is on holidays tomorrow so she will need me really from Monday and we're talking about hours tomorrow.
I'm making minestrone tonight for dinner and relaxing my poor little legs! Becky gave me a spare pedometer they had at their place before I left so I've been recording how much I've been walking. I did about 20 000 steps today! lovely. Anyway, that's all fairly mundane stuff but I thought I'd do a journal entry anyway so you know what i've been up to.
until the next thrilling entry!!!
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