Jess's Overseas Adventures!
Well, I just got home from work at the bar. Its 1:55 in the morning and i'm about to hop off to bed, but I'm addicted to checking email and message board and i just saw that I've got one from the lovely jessie! mmm... I feel like tiramisu now, sucked in Kelly, tee hee.
Well, haven't done anything too exciting in my 2 days off. On monday night I went out for a drink with my manager from work cos we both had the day off. Originally, we were going to go out to go to Dusk (sister bar) as I haven't been but Redin (manager) said it would be too quiet to go there on a monday.. So we went to some places in Notting Hill. Firstly a bar called Ruby & Sequoia where we had one drink and basically picked about the decor, drinks, menu and service (that doesn't sound like me!!). Then we went to a pub called The Cow and had something to eat - I had excellent chicken pie.
Yesterday I basically slept in and then made italian lentil soup and relaxed at home. Today I went to a west end show! I decided I had better do something otherwise I'll just get boring. So I booked tickets online yesterday, I got a seat in the grand circle for ten quid! Which is like 20 quid off. I saw Whistle Down the Wind which is an Andrew Lloyd Webber one, where the song "No Matter What" by Boyzone (don't pretend you don't remember it ladies!) comes from. When I got there, they obviously had not sold very many tickets so I got bumped up to the stalls and was 7 rows from the front. I swear I was the youngest there by about 40 years! It was quite good, brilliant singing and some goosebump-evoking sections but not astounding like Phantom or anything. In all honesty, I think it helped that the male lead was pretty good looking and was wearing a chesty bonds the whole time! He was Australian too, typical.. all the buff ones are!
Working tomorrow and on the weekend but I have Friday off and then Laura et al comes back on the weekend,
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