Jess's Overseas Adventures!
Hi everyone!
Sorry its been a while since my last entry, but haven't been up to anything that different. Just been working at the bar and for Laura. Last night I babysat the kids while they went to the BAFTA TV awards, and I successfully managed to put Grace the baby back to sleep when she woke up in the middle of the night!
On Saturday night, George, one of the owners, took me to Dusk, their other bar, in Battersea as I hadn't been. Had a lovely time, it felt a bit like being at vodka, but without the dance floor! I think I probably had one too many cocktails though, and i was feeling the effects yesterday!
The weather here last week was so lovely, on both thursday and friday I didn't have to work until about 8, so I got to enjoy the sunshine. It was about 25 both days and so sunny, I couldn't believe it. The paper even went as far as calling it sweltering, i think that's stretching it a bit!
I've actually been a bit sick for the past week, just a cold thing, but the cigarette smoke has really been getting to me as well, especially when I've had a cold. My voice is so so husky its ridiculous, I sound like a man! So i'm back on the hot water like last year to calm it down.
Anyway, I'm off to Nanny for Laura, sorry for this completely unexciting email!
Sucked in Port!
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