With the car performing more like an unbreakable hilux we headed for our next adventure at Purnululu ( meaning sandstone)National Park. This is the home of the Bungle Bungle ranges. Our first stop for the day was a couple of hours down the road at the Turkey Creek roadhouse. We had lunch there and Kaden decided to take on the resident bull with a stick. I'm sure the locals had a chuckle as I dragged him away( see pic).....
After lunch we headed for the Bungle Bungle caravan park about 50ks down the road. We turned up and met the owner Colin, he said the park was technically closed for the season but we could stay for free...nice.
The next morning at 5am we headed for the Bungles. Fortunately the day was overcast so it wasn't too hot. It is approximately 50ks into the actual park. The road is the worst we have seen. There were corrugations taller than me. When we finally got there, shaken but still determined, we headed for the Echidna chasm walk. The walk is 1k each way and it takes you through a beautiful chasm within the bungles. At times it felt like the walls were closing in. The kids loved climbing the ladders and through the small holes in the rocks. It ended at a small cave. We loved every minute of the walk.
After morning tea we stopped at the Bloodwoods lookout, and the Kungkalanayi lookout. Both give you an awesome view of the Bungles.
Our next stop was the Dome walk and the finale the Cathedral gorge.
The Domes walk allows you to walk through the banded domes that tower above you. It was also interesting to see the termite mounds built up high in the rocks....
Our final destination the Cathedral gorge was the highlight of the day. The walk is 2k return and at the end you enter a large cathedral style cave. It was so beautiful.
Around lunch time we headed back on to the worst road in the world to the caravan park. That night we celebrated another landmark of our journey....tomorrow we are heading for Fitzroy crossing and the Geikie Gorge National Park.
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