Bed nice and comfy breakfast fine but not as good as at the ranch no beautiful berries! Claire feeling better this morning and Alan much improved. The mini bus picked us up at 10am to take us to Tucson Rodeo! What an exciting day the Rodeo was amazing. Cowboys trying to ride enormous Bulls and fabulous wild horses it was awesome! Cowgirls in beautiful glittery blue costumes doing routines on their horses. Cowgirls and Cowboys lasooing steers and tiring them up. Barrell racing! The horsemanship was brilliant and the animals stunning. They also had little children trying to ride sheep so cute. The music and commentator were brilliant and the Rodeo Clown had us in fits of laughter, especially when he hid in a barrel in the arena where the bull riding was going on! We had an enormous burger at lunch time, the meat was delicious and freshly squeezed lemon aid with lots of ice (the day was very hot high 70s.) Had a wander around the stalls selling fab Cowboy Boots and leather goods. Unusual jewellery,clothes and foods. Went into the museum and saw some fabulous wagons including the "Surrey with the Fringe on Top" as used in Okelahoma! They had various rooms set up as they were in old Wild West days! The day was amazing and the Americans were so friendly and helpful. We were picked up by our minibus taxi and arrived back at the hotel a happy gang.
- comments
Dave T. If you think cowboys riding bulls and horses is exciting you should watch me trying to ride my bike.
Judy Brings back memories - we're with you all the way!!!
Mel Enjoy the next part of your adventure! Don't gamble away all our inheritance.......... :oP