Woke early packed up ready for vacating our rooms at 12noon. Claire and I were going on a breakfast walk with a chap called Rick who was going to tell us some of the history and folklore of the ranch. The others were all going on a breakfast ride. We had one other walker with us a Belgium gentleman who was at the ranch for a conference. The walk was very interesting especially the Indian tale of the creation. We arrived at the breakfast spot at the same time as the riders and all enjoyed an enormous yummy breakfast . Claire and I walked back and got lost! We eventually got rescued by a maid on her buggy who drove us back to our lodges!
We finished packing and I went outside on the patio to have one last look and came face to face with what I found out later was a Ringtail a cat like animal with a big stripey tail!
The others got back and June went off to play tennis, Alan went to watch and Nick and John took the luggage down to reception and had a last wander around the ranch. Claire and I went off on a bird walk with Rick again it was wonderful. We were joined by an American lady who was very pleasant. We saw an American Wren much bigger than our tiny English wren, a Cardinal a member of the finch family the size of a Parrot and bright red and his female also very pretty, a tiny beautiful humming bird, two American coots, a mourning dove and a Road Runner.
We walked back and met the others in the dining room (more delicious food)!!
On the way out we said goodbye to some other English people and it turned out one of them had a niece who lived in Crowborough!!
John Nick and I went for a last horse walk we were taken out by a wrangler called JR who is a real character and had a beautiful horse called Red. It was a wonderful ride I had a horse called Cinnamon a real darling. We rode past Paul Macartney!s ranch which he owned with his late wife Linda and when they stayed there they would visit the Tanque Verde Ranch. Linda actually died at the ranch and sadly although he still owns the property Paul has never been back.
We finally left the ranch at 4pm in the same mini bus we had arrived in. This time we were driven by Sarg an ex wrangler and Vietnam veteran. We arrived at our next stop La Posado in Tucson ready for the next part of our American adventure....
- comments
Ali Wow its sounding brilliant !!!!!!