Up early for our long journey left Hopi Reservation at 7am. Still windy. Trip started off well after a short detour around a ramshackle town! Drove through fascinating scenery again the first part was very quiet hardly any traffic driving through Rocky passes. When we got to flagststaff the snow had gone so it was like a different place. We stopped at Mary's Cafe again for breakfast fantastic food! The cafe had pictures on the walls by a local artist of cowboys who used to use the cafe in the early days (60s) and the wooden seats had the brands burnt onto them of local ranchers. We travelled on the roads were busy now and we missed couple of turnings but we got through in the end and reached Florence at 2.30pm. The hotel was beautiful very big and we had what they called a suite a Huge bedroom and an area with sofa and armchairs fridge and lovely bathroom. Alan was tired so went to have a rest the rest of us decided to walk into the town. The weather was fantastic what a difference to last two days! Florence was a lovely town with lots of historic buildings and the appearance of an old cowboy town. We found a museum which used to be the old town jail and courthouse. Claire and I soon had Nick and John handcuffed and in jail! On the way back we went into a saloon and had beer and margaritas. It was an old building with a long bar with a huge mirror behind just like in the films. They had a jukebox with country music playing. The young girl behind the bar said she thought we were the first English people to be in there. We met up with Alan and went to burger king for dinner. We met some lovely people in there a chap in his late 30s with two of his children he had seven! He worked as a teacher in the local prison and was very chatty also two elderly ladies who were sisters and had travelled a lot one had just moved to Florence. We were told that during the second world war there was a prison of war camp for German and Italian soldiers in Florence.Back at the hotel we had a nightcap in Claire and John's suite then went to bed ready for our 70 mile trip to our last destination The White Stallion Ranch for more horse riding must get my knickerbokkers ready.......
- comments
David Tester Hi, It’s me again, I’m sorry to bother you when your over there enjoying yourselves but I need to get this off my chest. Penny is acting completely out of character lately, she’s normally a kind and loving person but I just can’t seem to do anything right. You see I found a coconut shell and cut it in half, they make a fantastic authentic galloping horse hoof noise when you tap them together, so I’ve been galloping round the house like a proper cowboy making a realistic clip-clopping noise, after the guitar episode I thought Penny might cut me some slack, but no, now she’s fed up with the row I was making with the coconut shells, I’d only been doing it for about three or four hours, so I put my trilby and holster on, I really looked like a proper cowboy, you know, like the pictures you sent me on your blog, and I went out side and galloped round the lawn, you can go much faster out there, the coconuts were click clacking like crazy, such fun, such fun, then the door opened, and in a very loud angry voice Penny shouted at me to come in, she snatched the coconut shells from me and threw them on the fire, and said it would be very embarrassing if the neighbors caught site of me, well they’re old fuddy duddy’s anyway all they do in the garden is prune their mouldy old roses and walk round saying “isn’t this one lovely oh yes dear and look at this beautiful bloom”, they should get a life the silly old farts. So anyway I got my ‘pin the tail on the donkey’ out and had a game of that, I did make a game up once of pin the truncheon on the policeman, you should have seen where the truncheon ended up sometimes, Penny tore it up and said I was being disgusting again. Anyway, when I was playing `pin the tail on the donkey out in the garden I got disorientated with that blindfold on, I must have staggered through the gap in the fence because I ended up falling in the next door neighbors pond, he was sitting in his rotten old deck chair which collapsed under him as he tried to jump up, I apologized and he said that’s OK, would you like to see my shubunkin” , I said “no I would not I’m not like that” and run back to our garden as fast as I could, trouble is in my haste I missed the gap in the fence, now there’s two gaps. I think Penny could sense I was a bit upset when I went in , she gave me a cuddle and has made me my favorite ginger bread men and smartie cakes, Geoff rang to say he was coming round so I’ll get the Buckaroo out for us to have a game, he said he’s never seen it but I’m sure he’ll like it cause he’s played something called scrabble a lot but this might be a bit more difficult for him to get to grips with. Must go and get Buckaroo set up. P.S. Think I was right about Geoff finding Buckaroo a bit of a challenge, he took one look at it and made an excuse that he should go and see Ron.