Retired & Traveling
We got up early, had coffee and decided to begin packing. I can't believe it's gone by so fast but I think we are both ready to be home. We caught the subway to Sevres Babylone and found the street Jeanne had told us to look for, Rue de Bac--this street was supposed to be good for shopping for chocolates, which we had decided to buy for souvenirs. The first store we came across looked great, so we went in and got everything we wanted. The store was amazing, and their bags said they'd been in business since 1819...gotta admit the chocolate samples the store clerk gave us were pretty tasty! After leaving there, we started making our way to the Rue de Bac metro stop and all along the way were armed guards--it was so strange and kind of intimidating, they were standing at every intersection and for no apparent reason. Weird! We had seen this Mexican food place one day while out and about called El Chuncho, so we decided that's what we wanted for lunch. We weren't far away, and once we arrived, found they were closed. :(( No hours of operation were written and it was only about 11:20, so we figured they probably opened at noon. We were both really hungry and again were cursing the French for not eating on our time schedule. LOL We killed time by walking up and down the main boulevard window shopping and trying to avoid all the cigarette smokers. I always forget how rampant cigarette smoking is in Europe, especially Paris. A few minutes before noon, we arrived back at the restaurant and this time the lights were on and people were inside. We ordered the plat du jour, which included a quesadilla and a chicken burrito. No chips, no salsa--definitely not a Tex-Mex place! The food was mediocre at best--dry and tasteless, very disappointing! And then we found out they didn't take credit cards! This was our last day and we had been spending our euros, but fortunately we scraped together enough to pay our bill. After lunch, we found our way to the Notre Dame souvenir place and finished up our shopping. At this point, we were both so worn out from sightseeing, we didn't have the energy to do anything, so we caught the subway back to the apt. We dropped off our packages, and walked a couple blocks back to our favorite little cafe on the corner for an American coffee. We got seated at a great spot by the window--we almost felt like we were sitting outside but were protected from all the smokers, it was awesome! The cafe was right across from the metro stop, so we had plenty of people to watch--so much fun! We killed a couple hours or so just relaxing and enjoying doing nothing more strenuous than chatting. :)) Once back at the apt, we got ready for dinner out with Jeanne and then popped open the bottle of champagne we had bought at the place in Champagne. Oh my, it was so good and I was wishing I'd bought another bottle to bring home. We had reservations for a restaurant on the 56th floor of the Montparnasse tower, and it was just beautiful! The views were so pretty and it reminded me of the Petroleum Club where we had Traci's wedding. Dinner was three courses and each one was absolutely delicious. We all got the veal and ate until we were about to pop. Once back home, we collapsed with our full bellies and set the alarm for 5:30. Heading back to Houston and our own beds in the morning!
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