Now, in England we don't really have "Spelling Bees" and even if we do they are not quite like the ones they hold in America which are big important events in the calendar each year. Being a bilingual school, Blanca Jeanette Kawas has many of the same school traditions as American schools and this year they held their Third Annual Spelling Bee Competition.
Being the only teacher that does not teach in the afternoons I was invited to be one of the 2 judges at this year's spelling bee. I gladly accepted the challenge - could I spell better/as well as the 6 - 12 year olds who would be competing. Vanessa, who invited me to be the judge, has obviously assumed that by simply being English I can spell English words. Oh how wrong a person could be!! I started to have my doubts VERY early on when I was given the spelling list for my grade 1's which contained the word "piece" (that's a tricky one in my books).
When the day of the Spelling Bee finally arrived I was actually quite looking forward to it, and it did turn out to be a lot of fun. All the children were very impressive, and I was especially proud of my grade 1's and 6's, one of whom won for her age group.
Lots of Love
- comments
Grandpa Dear Alex, I bet you are happy to have your Mom there. Have a lot of fun, both of you. Granny said she wishes she was with you but then who would feed me. Love to you both.