Yesterday, Holly and I went to the Munster vs. Ulster Rugby match up in Limerick. As one of the guys working the game said to us (since two Boston girls are pretty easy to spot out of the crowd of Irishmen) "It's f*cking mad, man. It's like the NHL and NFL combined. They don't wear any padding, you know? You're going to have a f*cking GREAT time." And he was SO right.
Thormond Park in Limerick has the same vibe as Fenway does. Except it feels smaller and it's not as expensive, we got student tickets for 10 Euro! Everyone's so happy to be there and there is so much team spirit for both sides. We got to Thormond early so we could get some apparel (we didn't want to stick out too much!)
The game was awesome and we had so much fun just being there, even though it was SO cold, pouring and I had Keds on... It was so windy they couldn't even have the jumbo screen up! I'm so glad we were in the nosebleeds because we were under a cover. I may not be the most sporty person, but Rugby may be my spectating sport- I actually get it! It must've been the stadium food and beer?
PS. Can't wait to see everyone in less than 2 weeks!
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