So from last time I was back in Margaret River reunited with Alannah, Hazel and James! Chris stayed a few days then went to Asia the lucky b*****. In Margs I sold my car the day after i got back for $1250 so I made a profit from original buy price however I did spend almost $900 fixing it... doh! nevermind it was worth it for my trip up west. So In Margs I mainly partied like it was 1999 for the whole week before we all left as it was offically my final leaving of Margaret River. So we basically all caned it all week playing flip cup championships as much as possible and we brought Goono back which was nice. So yeah basically like freshers week was our last week there. Hostel Ben joined in a lot with the festivities too which was good as it meant we weren't in trouble for being naughty school kids. The last day in Margs was a Saturday and there was a massive shark attack at Left Handers beach in GraceTown or lefties as the surfers call it the poor lad was well attacked, leg bit off and everything so he died pretty much instantly. But we just all heard there was a man surfer who had died at 10am we were told but Teg and French Max always surf there. Max was in Perth that weekend luckily but Teg n his mates were missing so we were all panicked but they turned up and had been in a diff beach thankfully. It was so sad though he was a young aussie lad but at least he died doing what he loved. 3 people have been killed by shark attacks at that beach in the past 10 years.
So on the Sunday morning we all left via a quick drink at the settlers obviously embarked on our road trip to Melbourne there was Me, Alannah, the 3 Irish girls, Sinead, Sharon and Emma, Teg, Sam, Francesco, Danny, James(not Jim) and Charlie so we had Scotland, England, Wales, Ireland, Italy and Greece covered in the nation stakes! We went for petrol at Witchcliffe and then Teg promptly broke down just in Karridale about 20kms away from Margaret River haha bloody hell. Flat Tyre. So we fixed that photographed the disaster that was already our road trip and continued on to Albany. For those of you from Washington I never thought I would be excited to visit somewhere called Albany however this albany was lovely with a beautiful beach so we were happy bunnies and there was a Maccas!! The campsite had a lot of flies/mossies though ew! We slept in cars after drinking on the beach like wee kids. Lovely first night. Next day we went to Esperance which is just gorgeous campsite right on the beach we partied like it was 1999 that night after getting fish n chips. We were promptly kicked out the next morning oops.
So we had a day at Twilight Bay which is the most lovely beach ever. Also a shark had a attacked a man there too just recently but he survived. It was his 2nd shark attack on the same beach I think… wow.
The beach is so gorgeous there though proper white carribean sand and blue clear sea you could swim out so far until I freaked out about the shark thing! We drank goon on the beach and got smashed then looked for a new campsite. Some lovely lady drove us all there as we were clearly lost all 4 cars pulled over on a road so that was nice. We had a BBQ that night and sat outside the tents in our sleeping bags as it was cold! So windy that night that mine and Alannahs cover sheet blew off the tent so I woke up freezing able to see the stars and fell back asleep Alannah woke up and fixed it luckily as then the rain commenced haha.
We left the next day to get on the Nullabor Plain which is the longest straightest road in the world I think, its amazing. So we got on there spent all day driving and ended up pulling over in a rest stop off the road as it was dark and Roos everywhere freaking us all out. I was driving about 40kms it was horrible. So we had a variation of meals depending on nationality. Me and Alannah had weetabix, Irish had sandwiches, the welsh nutella on bread and the italians pasta… we then got really drunk on goon and partied hard in the woods it was class.
The next morning me and Sam got everyone up at 5.30 so we could hit the road as we had a 10 hour drive ahead including passing the border in to South Australia and the time difference where we would lose 90 minutes. We were told off for being too loud there as well by an angry aussie woman in a camper van she called us rude b******s. Pot. Kettle anyone?
So we passed the border lost 'Team Mediterranean' aka italians and a greek. We made it to Port Lincoln anyways which was the aim as 6 of us were shark diving the next day and had already paid for it. So in port lincoln we went out for tea. A roast dinner for $8 madness and it was thirsty Thursday so vodka was $4 amazing. We were home and there was a DJ?! Random as anything.
Shark Dive Day was amazing. Picked up at 6.30 ferry left at 7am. 3 hours to get to the Neptune Island where the Great Whites live. Worst 3 hours ever it was so rough I was almost sick twice but somehow kept it in, We all looked violently ill and white the whole way there. There was people vomiting everywhere urgh. The whole way on tv was documentaries about shark attacks/deaths by great whites at the Neptune Island which is apparently the 2nd most dangerous place in the world for shark attacks. Great. We were all worried about the breathing equipment more than the whole shark cage thing. There was me Sam and Teg (all from the farm) and Alannah, Sharon and Emma. We were in group 4 luckily so we went in the cage Teg first then me. I freaked out for like 5 mins unable to breathe underwater but then forced myself and I was ok and me and Teg were face to face with this huge great white. Incredible. They are beautiful creatures so graceful and always smiling. The other girls all struggled too but we all did it so we did good! The boys had both scuba dived before so weren't arsed at all and thought we were being right girls haha. Shame on them! But we got the best dive of the day apparently as we saw 4 separate great whites some 5 metres long! So big. We even saw a shark fight it was basically the most amazing thing ever they were pouring blood on our head which was funny but sick. Definitely worth the $500! We got fed and watered all day and after the rough sea on the way there it turned out to be a gorgeous day. On the way back we saw dolphins and sea lions and wine was $3 so we got drunk sitting right on the front of the boat with the skipper in the sunshine living the dream for sure. It was one of the most amazing things ive done in oz that's for sure.
So we got back showered and changed and hit the nightlife of port lincoln which was interesting we went to at least 3 bars before we ended in a club (actually a hotel ballroom with a DJ) it was a wicked night we all danced our socks off before heading home. We all got about 1 hour sleep before we left for adelaide. Long day! I basically slept the whole way waking up only for bountys and drinks.
We got to adelaide so late we couldn't get in a campsite as they were all closed then the hostels were full as it was stereosonic and the cricket was on so we slept in cars in a beach car park. So tired though so it was actually a good sleep. We went for pizza first too so it was nice. In the morning we had breakfast then checked into the campsite then me and Sammy went shopping to cotton on it was amazing discount place $25 on 2 dresses and 2 tops! Happy days indeed. We then ended up drinking at a surf club watching the sunset what a lovely day! On the night we went out to Glenelg a suburb of adelaide it was cool we had a good night and went to a club very similar to bamboo in newcastle. On the way home I got cheesy chips with garlic sauce. What could be better than that?!
We ended up being in adelaide for days and day and there was nothing there my last day there I wanted to go wine tasting and to a german village so the whole crew said we would go and it took 3 hours for us to leave as everyone is ridiculous so we went to one vineyard and the german village for food then we had to leave so I decided I was flying to melbourne the next day as it was becoming a joke everytime we wanted to do something it took forever and everyone was always moaning. So I was gonna book my flight as I didn't want to spend a week getting to melbourne as Iv done everything between adelaide and melbs anyways. The irish girls decided they would come too so we left 6am the next day me and sharon drove all the way and we made it!!
I was over the moon when I saw the skyline!!
They were in a campsite for a few nights as no hostels in the city due to stereosonic and I had managed to be able to stay at adams for a few days then James house in the city so I was ok.
I met Adam from work we went to his got ready went out for a s*** chinese then he was having a party at his that night and Cody was there from Margaret River too so it was lush to see him! We were the oldest people there by far so just drank wine in the corner we then went to 29th Apartment where we relived our youth.
The next day I went in to the city to meet the Irish girls to show them round and met Jim and Cody. We all ended up in Asian Beer Café - Thursday night $1 champers!! So happy to be back in there!!
The next day I moved in to James, we are both on sofas downstairs as he doesn't have his room back until after christmas so we are like homeless people its funny.
Friday night me and James went for breakfast at the pancake parlour and Tommo came and met us there bless him! On the night I took the girls to fathers office for some $5 drinks and then we went to nandos then home.
Saturday night we hit Campari House for rooftop champagne fun, we then went to chinatown for a meal where we met Des Bishop a irish american comedian, I have no clue who he is but the irish girls were over the moon!! We then went to Workshop and then home!
No idea what happened on Sunday but on Monday was Alannahs birthday they had all finally arrived in Melbourne too! We were meant to all meet for lunch which turned into meet for dinner - its happening again oh my god. So me and Jim went to the pictures to see the Hunger Games it was wicked. It was also a horrible raining day. We ended up meeting them all at the Lounge about 9pm…? What they had been doing all day in a campsite is beyond me. We went to a dumpling house for food but of course it was shut. So we went back to the nice chinese. We then tried to go to section 8 but it was shut as we were so late and it was Monday so we ended up in E55 then the Casino. I lost maybe $30 to roulette dammit.
And yesterday after a nice family meal in hardware lane I met the others in the cider bar in Young n Jacksons they were all late obviously so I made friends with some Singaporeans we then went to southbank for a nice drink but of course 2 of the bars I wanted to go to were shutting as we were so late. I am so glad to be leaving all these unorganized slow people behind here as they are stressing me out. Half of them didn't even want to come out but apparently are unable to say 'I'm staying in' wow. Some backpackers wanna grow a pair and man up. So we ended up in Ludlow anyways which was nice as I love the city view then we ended up in the casino were I ended up drinking champagne with the mayor of Perth… (or some huge accountant chairman he had a gold mayor necklace on anyways) and today I fly to Brisbane finally to be reunited with Henry! I have a job interview at a strippers on Thursday and that is a story for another day.
Much love xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- comments
Rose ha ha he he keep it up our Tracy xx