Well well miss morren....you sound like your having fun....hope you enjoy the drive to broome...its hot hot up there mind...my best mate fiona lives in perth with her hubbie...i will pass you her email to hook up..shes ex HMRC too...lol....were all missing u kidda. Take the very best of care...enjoy...
Kiana Rose
I think that was my horse you saw bombing across the beach...was he two colors, brown and white?
Robert Elliott
your living the dream tracey bravo
the garmen knows that pelope,like little mice scurrying to its nearest hole, tend towards least resistance. as prices go up from one form of transport, pelope will scurry themselves to another cheaper form of transport. the shift will inevitably cause the crowd to build up. when there is sufficient crowd build up, the company will have to spend more money to ease human congestion. this will justify another fare hike to force the pelope back to taking cab again.that's being part of the rat race.racing from one form of public transport before the next higher fare changes our direction to another form of public transport.but i have decided to copy old china instead of being bounced here and there like a rat.i shall expend human fuel on two wheelers.
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