Today mum let me sleep in until 8:15am. Mum made me breakfast in bed so I got vegemite on toast and a hot chocolate. We finally got going. We went to the rose garden in Taupo. There were so many roses but not as many as we saw in Rotoura. After this we went to the information centre to ask how to pay a toll fine as we did not see the toll both on our way to cape regina. After getting the phone number I went to make the call while mum looked at a shop. We had to pay double but at least our bill is paid. We then went and had a look at some more shops before going back to the car. On our way to the car we were crossing the road and a cop waved so I waved back. After this mum grabbed me because she thought fast courier was going to run over us. The guy looked out the window and said that he knew we were there. Mum said that he had to be nice cause we are auzzies. He then said that we needed to move over a little so he could aim for us. Everyone are very friendly when there not behind the wheel. We have meet so many different people from all walks of life. We have chatted to people from England, Scotland, swiss, korea, Canadians, German, japan and even Aussies and many more. We then got on the road and headed around the edge of lake Taupo and the further around we went, the higher we got. Our navman knew a short cut to Wanganui. some short cut that was because it climbed and climbed for 2 hours. We were so high that I couldn't look anymore. Mum kept scaring me by saying 'look, look there's water' she was saying this while she was driving on the edge of a cliff face while looking at the scenery. I told her if she kept sight seeing while she was driving on the side of the cliff I would take the driving off her. Along our drive we saw a mountain so high that it had ski trails and we saw a huge volcano. We also came across a guy and his dog herding sheep up the main highway. It was really cool to watch. I never knew how well trained the sheep dogs are until today. To close for today we spent 2 hours in a hot spa. After this I went to dinner and had beef, chicken and lamb cooked on volcanic rocks with roast potato, pumpkin and veggies. I also had rich chocolate mousse for desert. Mum was to tired to come. I'm going back to the motel room to pull up the blankets cause the nights are getting cold because we are so high up.
- comments
Natalie Walton Looks like you are having a great time!! It's so good being able to share it with you! Did you know that Jacinta had the baby on Monday?? In case you didn't; Jasmine Hayley Jane Lauder born at 3.11am Monday 7th February and weighing 8lb 10oz. Wow!! Huge baby, especially for a first one!!! Well, enjoy the holiday!! Looking forward to seeing where you go in the South Island. Tell your Mum that Reece's family are all in Greymouth and Nelson and Wendy Gaffney's family are in Te Anu.(I think that's what it's called!!) Anyway, have fun!! Love