God help me I've brought Hitler with me. It is 5:45am!!!!!! And my day has already started. She seems to have caught her second breath. God no now she has got the auz news on so I might as well get up. After repacking our bags mum dragged me up mount everest to take a photo of, would u believe it...... A church. We then spent 2 hours having a look around town before checking out of the hotel and going to the Auckland Zoo. I thought payback time I'll walk the ass off her. But it backfired cause I'm the one that is crippled now. It was a fantastic day and was well worth the visit. Thanks aunty Carmell for telling us about it. We are now leaving Auckland to go to Whangarei pronounced (fangarei). On our way mum was cracking because they can grow agapanthus (Purple and white) everywhere. On the side of the road and even in gutters. She can't keep them alive in her garden. She went on and on and on about it. She saw sooo many plants that she has never seen before. The grass, hills and paddocks are sooo green. And I'm talking high lighter green and they are covered in wildflowers of all different colours everywhere. It's like a 2.5hr drive through nothing but mountain rangers. We were so high up you could see the ocean in the distance. Mum said that the views are spectacular. I'll have to take her word for it cause I couldn't look. It was kinda freaking me abit. I haven't seen many sheep yet. We are also in trouble over the toll road cause we missed the metal box that we were supposed to put money in because we were in 3 lanes of traffic and we were in the middle going 100km/h and we couldn't stop. Now our $2.00 toll is $4.00 and we aren't sure how to pay it. Lol. On our drive we were so excited that for a change we didn't have to go up a hill but we got to go through it. It was so cool cause it had lights and everything. We arrived at Whangarei about 4:30pm. Got to the motel and booked in. when we walked into the motel we were shocked cause it is about half the size of our house. With a separate bedroom. We got a lounge room, bedroom, dining room, kitchen and bathroom. There would be room for 4 ppl. Owww boy. Mum just made a cuppa that she said she would kill for and I found out that I was missing cables to download pics onto the computer. I had 15mins before the shops shut. Long story short mum missed out on drinking her coffee hot. Got to the shops and just made it to Vodafone to find out that they didn't stock the cords that I needed. She told me that the electronic store would have it and would be shutting in 5 mins. I had to run through a arcade then turn left. Cross a road and RUN through a parking lot. Having to stop at a bus stop to ask directions before running around a roundabout so I was diagonally across the road. Then I was puffing when I got to the shop before finding out that they were open for another 30mins. Bought the cords, got back to the motel and found out that the cord didn't work. Mum put her fingers in her ears and drank her coffee and said she didn't want to hear another word about it. As you can guess you won't see the Auckland pics until tomorrow if I can get the right cords.
- comments
Carol Nothing ever changes does it, I have just sat here pissing myself laughing as I could actually hear u 2 discussing this cord.. how scary is that.. enjoy you 2 .xoxo
simone lol so funny it already ...... and dont worrie bout up loading photos .... we will just see you when we watch border security! when nan smuggles plants in her hand bag lol ...have fun