Pulling up in a side street and trying to be inconspicuous in the blue bus is very difficult. We just wanted to stay here on the foreshore without being in a caravan park. So we parked on a side street opposite the pub. Hoping to be able to watch the AFL derby but the Queeenslanders only seem to watch rugby. Tim and Archie watched the game on the very small screen of the iPhone.
We then went for a ride along the esplanade which has been done up beautifully since cyclone Izy in 2011, we found a better spot to park the bus right on the waters front. If we wanted to be inconspicuous then this was even more obvious but we figured we would risk it for the good lactation.
Home made pizza and the sound of the ocean perfect. We then met some locals on the jetty trying our luck again at fishing. No fish.
We lasted the night without being moved on. The kids headed outside to be met by a local lady of 42 years warning them not to go swimming as only a few months ago a dog had been taken by a crocodile. This put the fear of god in Lotte and Archie then to find the sign not to feed the crocodiles or you could be fined $4400. Who would feed the croc and especially a dog??
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