White Water Rafting!
So white water rafting happens to be completely awesome! We went to the Tully River, which is one of the top rapids in Oz to do it on! It was completely gorgeous! Dense brilliant green rainforest all around us, birds and insects chatting away and clear refreshing water splashing your face! There were gigantic bright blue dragonflies everywhere! Wasn't quite as dangerous as I had imagined, which was a good thing, breaking my collar bone would have put a bit of a downer on the day! The instructors stopped off at this real massive rock, which we had to jump off of! Loadsa girls wimped out, but I did it! Was awesome! We then swam down a little rapid, which was cool, but swallowed loads of water! We then stopped of at another rock, which i did a flip off of! Zammit was well impressed, but didn't do the same!
Zammit then took me to Etty bay! Was gorgeous. Complete paradise. Rainforest mountains, with white fine sand and clear water. The fish were going crazy jumping and flipping trying to catch these tiny prans, which were also jumping like crazy trying not to get eaten. We also saw two spotted stingrays in the shallow water feeding, so lucky, Zammit said he had never seen that before!
Next stop was Panella Park. So exciting! I saw fireflies! It was late in the evening, and as the guide was talking Zammit pointed them out. They were dancing in the night. It was so beautiful, I cried. Felt like the luckiest person alive to be fortunate enough to see something like that.
I was on such a high! What an amazing day! We did so much! All of which I would have never got to have seen, without the help of local boy Zammit. BIG THANKS. Driving around Innisfails for each of these stops, blows me away. Its just so green, and you really grasp an idea of how vast Australia really is. The sugar cane feilds go on for miles, its spectacular.
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