Stayed in bed until eleven today, which was lush! he he he !
Then went down to Cairns Yacht Club to register Shadi and I for a boat trip with the locals. We had to register in the Yacht "club" which was full of old pissed fisherman! Our captain was drinking away at the bar with his buddie, which was very reassuring! Jumped on the boat about 1 o'clock and got told apparently it was a race!
I thought I was in for some serious sunbathing and relaxing but the captain had other ideas! He wanted me to get involved while he sat and drank his beer! We were jumping left and right of the boat to weigh it each side and catch the wind. Mustn't touch this or that, get out of the way there and do that bit quicker! I was so confused! Don't think I'm meant for the seas. We came last, which isn't surprising as our captain was too drunk to give a s***!
Was a really random day.
Worked in the evening, which was absolutely mental. I was on my own in the pool bar. In the end I had to shout "theres one of me and fifthteen of you, so just f***ing wait!". Don't wanna go again tomorrow as it was so horrible.
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