So today after a massive sleep, (being as we got back from the beach at seven) I woke up fully clothed and hung over, bad.
As I walk out of wooden hut-like dorm there are loadsa people crowded around taking photos. Above my head is the biggest spider I have ever seen. Apparently she eats here mate once they have had sex! She had yelllow strips on her legs and a red bum. Think I'm gonna ave to have a few more beers to sleep tonight, knowing that its right outside the room! Aaaaah!
Spent the day lazy on the beach and exploring the rainforest walks. Met some really cool people who I was chatting with for ages. Met a guy from Malta who is twenty but so clever. So much knowledge, made me feel so niave and thick. He's training to be a surgeon and was telling me loadsa stuff about the brain and how they can cut bits of it. Really cool. We all had a smoke and I ended up in bed at 4am. Quite early for me lately!
So nice to be away from Gilligans, feels like a real break. Living and working there is a bit much I think.
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