So today moved hostels, as when I got home from work at 4am, I pulled my sheet back and there was more bloody bed bugs! I had to catch two to convince them to move me!
So I checked into Corona backpackers today, which is much smaller and I met Shadi. She is from Swedan. We went to the Lagoon together on The Esplande and sunbathed.
The Espalanade is gorgeous. Its all funded by the goverment so its all free. A pool, bbqs and a gorgeous harbour. The Cairns festival is on at the moment which free too, so there was music playing while we sunbathed.
Worked again at 10pm until 4am apparently its the second busiest day in the year after new year as the races are on. Was madness, I was so slow! But we had drinks and shots afterwards which was cool. Feel like a bit of an outsider there, but suppose it will just take time.
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