Hi Sally just wanted to wish you happy birthday for next week look forward to seeing you when you get back.We are planning to go back to Aus over xmas & see in the new year in Sydney Love Pete & Angie xxx
I've never fancied camping but seeing your photos and it looks so peaceful and chilled, its really making me fancy it.
Dont think i could persuade Dad though!
LOL Mum xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Just looked at your camping photos. Can't believe you wear those jumpers!! They look like Nanny knitted them :)
What happened to that little Essex babe? :)
LOL Mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Miss you so much, it's been nearly a year since i have seen you, thank god for mobile phones, this web site and skype, would have slit my wrists otherwise!
LOL xxxxxxxxxx
Still reading your blogs - sounds like you are having an amazing time!
Beer on the beach - now I remmeber what I am missing!
Becs x
aRE YOU STILL IN oZ/ What are you doing now?
Kepp in touch please! x
why hasn't your birthday surprise arrived? Those Aussies are going to get some British verbal if it doesn't turn up on time. I arranged for it to arrive early!
We'll be thinking of you all day on the 20th. Fancy being in Oz on your birthday, what a wonderful memory.
Love u loads. Have taken to sniffing and cuddling your clothes cos its been so long since I've had a hug, how sad is that! :)
love u lots xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
love the fringe, looks good. Pete looks as handsome as ever too. You should receive a surprise for your birthday. Hope its as good as it sounds.
Love you loads, xxxxxxxxxx
Rebecca - Remember Me?!?!
Hey - are you still in Oz???
Its 24th and am getting a bit worried as you're not answering my texts, but hoping its cause you're working and not catching the right time.
Me and Dad watched your cd that you sent today from the first part of your trip. Bangkok looked awesome, but glad you left there when u did as there has been a lot of trouble ever since u left.
Although Oz is a completely different place. Each picture I look at just want to be there and see it.
Next time u phone in the middle of the night can u just say Mum I've got a slight problem, rather than Mum dont freak out :) that freaks me out more than the problem.!
love u loads xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Can't believe you haven't got my parcels yet. Think the advent calendar will be a bit late!! You'll have to do a countdown to New Year with it instead. Have sent the pick n mix as requested. Its special pick n mix from Woolworths, the last of it before they went down. . . . .
It all sounds so awesome and so great to have a pretty much day to day record. Don't know how you are ever going to fit back into the normal work force again and feel like taking up a mortgage. God I wish I had had the chance.
Missed you loads on Christmas day but was good to hear your voice. Hope you will be with us next year.
lol xxxxxx
Kay Gooding
hi sally and peter hope your both well we all wish you a merry christmas and a very happy new year from lowestoft, love auntie kay uncle malcolm danny debi dave sarah nigel amanda barry amy and sophie x