Yesterday was movie marathon day - we managed to watch five films!
We took part in the quiz again and came 1st for the answer round and 1st for the name of the group round - "A great big s*** in the woods on Fraser Island"! We won two tours along the East Coast, but we have already done them so we gave them to a couple of guys that arrived in the afternoon from Manchester. Im sure theyll appreciate alot more than we would, because we had already done them.
I think I got into bed around 11pm. Had a bad nights sleep - the bed is really dodgy, Ive got such a bad back this morning. Adam got into bed, on the top bunk, and it is so squeeky (and unstable) that the people in the room next door thought that we were 'at it' because the bed was hitting the wall - they were banging on the walls, laughing and shouting at us! It was so funny! We definatley played on the fact that they though that!
Im waiting for the shuttle now to take me to the airport for my flight to Auckland, New Zealand. Im flying with Virgin Blue, so it should be an okay flight.
I will let you know when I get there.
Hope everyone back home is okay and keeping well. Miss you!
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