Ive got a job!! Whoop Whoop!
Lisa took me out for dinner last night to thank me for cooking dinner for her the other night. We went out with her boyfriend Jon and their friends Todd and Amanda. Really nice people. Had such a nice relaxing evening in the pub - it was actually quite funny - I dont remember the last time I laughed so much actually! We got home at 11pm and I sat and watched Prison Break for a couple of hours before falling asleep on the most comfortable sofa in the world and I woke up at 5am this morning! I went upstairs to bed and woke up at 9am to see Lisa off to work.
So, I did some washing this morning, well when I say 'some' washing, I mean I washed the entire contents of my backpack! Theres knickers and all sorts hanging over the lounge, even from the lights above the dining room table! What?! I had to improvise! Haha! Lisa will be in for a shock when she gets in from work tonight!
Anyway, I was about to jump in the shower and I had a call from Vicky at Wicked Travel offering me the job! I was so excited - I think it was pretty obvious on the end of the phone too - she laughed at me! I start my two week training course in Byron Bay a week on Monday for two weeks (not five days as originally thought), all paid for (transport up there - its about 14 hours on a bus, but Im hoping they fly me there, accommodation) and they even pay me an hourly rate whilst Im training! How cool is that?!
Lisa is cooking a lamb curry tonight, what we were supposed to have last night. Jon and his friend are coming for dinner too, but they are going out after.
Looks like Ive finally found a place to settle! For the first time in two months, I finally feel like I belong somewhere out here and I dont want to come home yet...
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