I finally made it to Australia!
After the flight was delayed AGAIN once I had got to the airport, I finally boarded the plane and settled down, for what I thought would be a long and frustrating flight...
I managed to chat up the only straight air steward, and he moved me to Premium where I had four seats to myself! Amazing! (Yes Michael, my charms do still work at 37,000 feet in the air)!
Hong Kong was a nightmare, we had twenty minutes to get off of one plane and board another. You could say that me and another guy who I met on the plane, kind of took a wrong turning somewhere and almost missed the damn flight! Lets just say that it would have been very interesting if we had!
So, after two delayed flights, the doors to the plane being unable to open in Hong Kong (to get off of the plane), a near miss at getting lost in Hong Kong, getting stuck in the toilet on the plane and nine films, I landed in Australia!
Getting through customs / immigration and baggage collection took less than 20 minutes; maybe Heathrow should take a leaf out of the Australian's book! I jumped into the first taxi, to take me to my hostel, where I would be staying for three nights....
My first night at the hostel was definately an experience! I can honestly admit now, that I did cheat on my first night... My friend Toni from the UK was staying at a hotel accross the road, so I couldnt help myself when she offered me a shower before we went out for a few drinks. So I took her up on her offer! It was the most amazing shower I had ever had, especially after the long flight.
We went into town for a few drinks, although I didnt stay out too long, the jet lag was finally getting to me and I was exhausted. I walked back to the hostel, sorted out my bag and got into bed. It didnt last long, an hour to be exact... The guy staying in the bunk bed below me, Danny, arrived back at 02:00 and decided to climb up onto the bed and talk to me about random things, DRUNKEN random things. It turned out he was from Essex and knew Windsor from going to Legoland. My new nickname is the 'English Legoland Girl'. Nice!
Anyway, I manged to get four hours sleep, before being woken up by another guy, who was sleep talking. Dont ask me what he was saying!
So, its now Sunday 24th August. Ive been for a walk around town, only to realise that nothing is open until 11:00, so I thought I should update you all to let you know what has been happening.
Im waiting for Danny to wake up so that we can take a walk to the Opera House and Bridge. I must admit, for the first time that I am now excited about being here.
Not much planned for tonight, although Im sure that will change!
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