Okay, so where was I?! Oh, the pub crawl last night...!
The bus picked us up from the hostel at 20:45 and the goon (another word for cheap wine) was definately flowing! As we were getting 'associated' with the goon, a couple of guys got on the bus, from a hostel accross the road, wearing DRESSES! It was absolutely hilarious! The whole bus started cheering as they sat down as ladylike as possible with their short skirts and dresses on! You will see what I mean later with a few of my pictures!
We had a great night, met three girls from Dublin, who Rachel and I ended up spending the entire evening with. We didnt actually make it past the first bar, as we were all having too much of a good time. Managed to get the first couple of drinks for free, as well as a glass of champagne each later on in the evening. Well, you could say that the karaoke machine got plenty of use!! Cringe!
Me and Rachel left relatively early because we knew we were in for an early morning this morning. Kings Cross is mad at night, with prostitutes on every corner and men pulling over to ask every women in the street if they were working! We stopped off for pizza on the way home, before getting on the train. From what I can remember (!), the train had an upstairs on it! Crazy! So of course we had to give this a go and found it so funny, that we sounded like a couple of schoolgirls with the giggles! (Sorry for any one that was onboard that train)!
This morning was an early one, much to my horror! We got onto the bus at 08:10 for a two hour drive to Katoomba (where admittedly I slep most of the way!) We stopped off at the National Park and managed to spot a few kangaroos! It was my first sighting and so I was very excited.
The Blue Mountians were absolutely out of this world stunning. I am suffering from the trip now, because my knees are so sore, maybe I shouldnt have done so much walking! We walked down into the valley, 1200 steps below the waterfall and was able to take hundreds of pictures. Coming back up the mountain was fantastic because we got onto the scenic railway, which is apparently the steepest railway in the world! The ride only took three or four minutes, but getting to the bottom of the valley took forever and everyone on the tour was out of breath!
Its my last night in Sydney tonight because I am flying to Cairns tomorrow afternoon. I have to be out of my room by 10:00 tomorrow morning so will spend tonight packing my things and saying goodbye to the people that I have met so far.
Next stop on my trip... Cairns!
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