Today we put our plans for yesterday into action and walked to the zoo. The walk there was very picturesque and it wasn't too far so we decided not to get a taxi, besides we didn't know how to say 'zoo' in Chinese! We walked briskly along the river bank and as I had my camera we stopped for a while so I could try and take some artistic shots of a Chinese style gate reflecting in the water. It was getting hand numbingly cold after ten minutes though so we went off again towards the zoo. Luckily it was easy to find and after a bit of a false start, we just wandered in and got ushered out to buy tickets, we found ourselves in a pretty garden called the family garden following signs in English to see the zoo. Sadly the zoo wasn't all it should have been. We were warned that it was still under construction but came away thinking that if a cage isn't ready don't buy the animal to put in it. The main attraction that we wanted to see was the panda. We wandered around seeing a camel and monkeys until we found it. It wasn't a happy panda though as its house was completely unfinished and was just a big box with a glass front and a pile of food in it. The panda looked pretty bored and I really hope they put in some more things for it to play with soon.We saw leopards, tigers, lions and panthers next. They were all in a row and all the cages had glass fronts which made form some great photos but again I think they were sorely lacking in things to jump on and play with and they could have done with about double the space.We came away from the zoo with some excellent photographs, especially of the lion and the wolf - who howled as we went past which again made a great picture but left us worrying he was lonely. But we also left with a sense that animal rights are a low priority here and that the animals are more exhibits than in a caring environment where you can happen to view them.
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