Neil's Round the World Trip!
I got up early and had a bite to eat with my family. I had my lesson today with the adorable Betty. She's normally very cheery but seemed a bit jaded today but then we did lots of conjugation exercises so that probably took its toll on her! We covered the past tense in-depth and then had a break. During the break Joaquin (jefe/boss) told us about the Cha'pari trip into the jungle and flies that lay eggs under your skin...ahh..heeby-jeebies! I had a hot chocolate and chatted to Marco as it was cold this morning..and I by cold worse than Scotland 5c!! I enjoyed the rest of my lesson and returned to my family.
We had potato mash, chicken and a super spicy sauce that kept making me cough. However Mariana makes great fresh juice (today it was passion fruit). I did my homework and looked over the list of my new verbs Betty gave me (cheers Betty!).
In the afternoon I got a taxi to the Bolivian Immigration Office. I need to extend my 30 days as I'm going to just go over my 30 day limit (14 June). Marco has overstayed by 25 days so he needs to extend and pay a fine. Jaqueline (Swiss) is joining us as she is in the same boat as me. We got a taxi into the city with Joaquin's best mate who's a lawyer (he's going to reduce the fine apparently for Marco).
We had to pay the taxi as the lawyer was obviously going out of his way to help us..(we thought). We reached the office which was really busy and walked to the empty office (extranjeros). Marco was processed first and had to pay 250 b/s fine. I was next to be processed and the guy made a comment about me not wearing a kilt when he saw I was Scottish on reading my tourist card details. Everyone here loves "Corazon Valiente" that's Braveheart to you and me.
The bureacracy here is incredible I had to go to three different desks, then photocopy my own documents and pay for that. Then I had to queue for 15 minutes and when I finally sat down at the desk, the officer started chatting to a mate on the phone. Finally he stamps a "90 day" visa mark on my passport and then kind of expects me to get down on my knees and pay homage to his excellency for having been so gracious to give me more time in his beautiful yet distinctly third world (at times) country. Poor Jaqueline needs to come back on Friday for some reason because Switzerland isn't part of the EU or something!
The lawyer who was supposed to help reduce the fine was in fact useless. The immigration officer said: "250 b/s" and the lawyer then nudges Marco and softly whispers in English: "you 250 b/s". Ok so you get a free taxi ride for nothing for telling us what we already know you corrupt little scamp!
After the Immigration Office we walked to "Tearoom Zurich" but it was shut so we went into a stylish cafe nearby and had coffee with pancakes (that had dulce de leche in them). We got a taxi back to our barrio although it took longer than expected due to the taxi driver having no idea where we lived. We eventually reached our barrio and went to our respective families. I had chicken and rice, chatted to Jose for a bit then went to the nearby cybercafe to get more info on the Tantra nightclub as we're thinking of going tomorrow night.
I looked over my verbs before heading to bed, tomorrow is a new month and officially less than 6 weeks until I return to the motherland! Why I am getting excited about that...pull yourself together Neil!
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