Neil's Round the World Trip!
I slept in today and so I ran out the house with a roll of camu camu. I reached the school just in time for my class. I had my lesson with Luzmila who I think is one of the best teachers! My Spanish seems to have improved greatly after my last class with her. We revised past and future and did various exercises. On my break I chatted to my Austrian mate Marco in the sunny courtyard!
The second half of my lesson went really well and at one point you could have mistaken me for a native Spanish speaker but then I let my grammar slip and yeah..ah well. I'm inspired which is the main thing!
I returned to my house and had lunch with my family. The Camacho's son Coco (who lives in Santa Cruz) had lunch with us as he was through seeing his daughters. Near the end of the lunch Jose told me some Quechua as he's bilingual in Spanish and Quechua. It sounds like a really difficult language up there with Japanese I think. We had really spicy soup, chicken and rice then fruit for dessert. I'm eating really healthy here!
I met Marco in the afternoon and we got the bus into the city. We found a great place selling cheap CDs, DVDs and books (fake of course!!). We walked into the eastern suburbs of the city (where the rich people live) and seriously it's like a different city; fountains, statues, security everywhere, Burger King (is for the rich as really expensive here 3 pounds a meal-get out of here!) luxury apartments and a Levi jeans boutique. What do you think? 30 pounds for a pair of 501s is that a good deal? What are the prices at home? I could live for 2 weeks on 30 quid here.
We walked past some beautiful parks and a children's theme park. We then found a cafe called "Tearoom Zurich". We sat outside at a table and ordered some Cabezas de Negros (bit un-PC as it means black man's heads). However they were delicious like a huge scone with cream inside and covered in dark chocolate. We also had coffee which was served in a way I've never encountered before. You are given a cup with a dollop of sweet cream sitting at the bottom of the cup. Then you are given two pots; one is concentrated coffee liquid and the other is hot water. You then make up your own coffee. It was really nice.
We walked up to a club called "Tantra" that Homer the Bolivian had told me about when I got the freezing cold nightbus from Cusco to Copacabana. Maybe we'll head there some night before I leave for Argentina.
We went to a supermarket which is where all the rich people shop. I bought some stuff I needed like: pens, cotton buds and juice. We then walked to an internet cafe and spent half an hour with emails etc. We walked to a brilliant pizza place on Avenue America and had dinner. I phoned my Bolivian parents to tell them I wouldn't be home for dinner.
We then went to a huge palace which is in a huge, beautiful park. I 'd heard about a free Argentinian film festival organised by the Argentine consulate. We walked into the huge mansion, inside it was like the ambassadors reception; oak panelled walls, marble floors and chandeliers. We walked into the hall which reminded me of the Merchants House (I think) on West George St in Glasgow.
We took our seats along with what appeared to be the hoi polloi of Cochabamba. The film was called "El Fondo del Mar" (Bottom of the Sea). I was set in Buenos Aires and was really good!! It gave me a taste of the Argentinian capital, I really want to visit that city! There was no subtitles and it was in Spanish so I had to concentrate but I followed the film and really enjoyed it. We got a taxi back to our barrio later and when I returned to the house I chatted to Jose and Marina before heading to bed!
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