Sunday 10.14.07
I am not sure if everyone knows or not, but when I am in one place for any length of time ie Lisburn, I am still writing blog entries that show up in the top left hand corner drop down window.For example I wrote a blog for Saturday 10.13.07, but this current blog is the one being shown because it is the most recent.So be sure to use the drop down and view any blog entries you might have missed.I type an entry most every day, but sometimes cannot post them until I find the internet somewhere so it is not uncommon for me to have two or three entries that will post all on the same day.I don't want anyone to miss out!
What a relaxing Sunday!I awoke early today to make it to a 9:30 service at the local Church of Ireland (just like the Episcopal Church).And when I mean local, it was only a 5 minute walk from the house.What a treat to just be able to walk to church.I envy those that live in downtown Charleston so close to everything.I arrived back home to a prepared breakfast and a walk to get the Sunday paper.A household tradition!The afternoon was spent reading, lounging and snoozing.After a good bit of relaxing we headed to the local racquet club where I was sufficiently whooped in tennis by both John and Hilda.Oh well I still have a lot to learn.Their stamina and accuracy is amazing!An ice cream and walk around a local lake stocked with the Queens swans and my pride was healed.We arrived back just in time for me to head back out and catch evening prayer at church and then the semi final Rugby match between S. Africa and Argentina.What a game.My boys from South Africa came out ahead and are set to play England next weekend.So the usual relaxing day which is good since this next week should prove to be busy getting my act together and finding a motorcycle and all the gear to go along with it.
I had some great reading time today and have recently started a new book called "Walking a Sacred Path" by Dr. Lauren Artress.This book was a gift and I felt compelled to read it even though it was straying from my usual Clive Cussler, Dirk Pitt novels about adventures at sea with the National Underwater Marine Agency.What a change in reading material, but if you all have not realized yet by now everything if for a reason whether you realize it or not.After only reading 60 pages I have almost decided to rename my website the title of the book.After the first couple of pages my jaw just dropped.Yes! Yes! Yes! I said!
I want to share a little snippet with you as I think it will bring meaning to your own journey and path.Dr. Artress writes, "All the Larger than life questions about our presence here on earth and what gifts we have to offer are spiritual questions.To seek answers to these questions is to seek a sacred path.As we find our meaning and purpose we also realize that some invisible form of guidance has been leading us.We may not be able to recognize this in the moment but in looking back over our lives we see the foot prints of an invisible being that has guided us, challenged us, and carried us through times of crisis."
My decision to leave Charleston and sell all my belongings should be a proof positive of this insightful idea, but more importantly I think that each of you who are on your own journeys can look back at some point in your life and see those foot prints of an invisible being guiding you just as I have been guided.
I think every single one of us is on a sacred path.We are all searching for more or something else.My sacred path has already taken me across oceans and soon continents, but there are far easier and less expensive paths to take.I hope that each of you can open your hearts to better understand the journeys that each of you are on and the invisible being that is guiding you.
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