Another day in the City, but more importantly I think I experienced the highlight of my trip in N. Ireland.Belfast Castle and Cave Hill were amazing.It is funny on my way up from Dublin to Belfast on the bus I was briefly able to shut my eyes.When I opened them again the city skyline was just upon us and there was an enormous mountain in the distance.I knew that to get a view of the city I would somehow need to get to the top.Well I did that and what an amazing trek.Keep in mind now when you look at the photographs that my aunt is in her sixties.We made our way around the historic castle that overlooks Belfast and then headed to the top of cave hill to have a picnic lunch.I will tell you I was not prepared to do a mountain trek.STRAIGHT UP!The view was absolutely amazing.We had our sandwiches overlooking the whole of Belfast and Belfast harbor.Coming down I felt like a mountain goat just not as sure footed!Except for the Appalachian Trail that Tracy and I hiked on in Maine this was one of the more strenuous short hikes I have been on.I am amazed that Hilda was keeping up right with me.
Cave hill was definitely an amazing site and the view from the top was breath taking.I hope you enjoy the pictures.I feel as though I have gotten a good taste of Belfast and surrounding area and will be setting out the next couple of days in more mundane sort of things, checking bank accounts, paying the last bills and of course finding my motorcycle.This weekend will be spent out and about probably hitting a couple of places I missed in the country side and then hope to make it down south to Cork soon.I am anxious to get some transportation now and looking forward to moving about.
Oh, I was at the theater this evening with Hilda and John and friends…soooo funny…So again another go go go day.City in the morning, cave hill in the afternoon and then out to the theater in the evening.I am looking forward to sleeping in a little bit tomorrow and taking the day to myself!
More videos to come I hope!
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