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I had the most wonderful day on Thursday. Ken, the rector at the local Lambeg parish church, wife Dorothy and dog Pedro took me out for the day. It was so nice to get out after sitting waiting for the bike to get serviced and not only did we see some great sights as we picniced, but I had the most incredible time just being with them. In the 11 hours we spent together on Thursday we talked and laughed about all kinds of things. Again, it is incredible the people God brings into your life at just the right moments. Thank you Ken and Dorothy for a great day!
So, I have been waiting patiently since last week to finally get my bike all serviced and ready for her next owner. I spent yesterday and today getting her all cleaned up and all the stickers removed. That was a job, but as you can see by the photo this baby is going to make someone very happy! With the advertising out, I now must sit patiently and wait for the phone to ring!
So here is the ad:
Just returned from my European adventure that took me 20,000 miles through 22 countries and this bike is ready to do it again!Tried and true with a flawless record and now only 29,800 miles and just did a complete service costing £420.00, so she is ready for the road and your adventure. I am heading to the USA to buy another F650 for my next adventure and must sell ASAP.
The BMW F650 is an incredible travel bike and if you don't want to take my word for it even though I just DID the trip, check out the Guinness Book of World Records and you will find that the entry for longest motorcycle tour by a couple was done on a pair of BMW F650s.Check it out for yourself:
I would not have done my trip on any other bike especially any other brand!Just trust me I have the experience now and the BMW fraternity is one you will want to be a part of on the open road in foreign countries.
ü30k Service Completed
üNew Sprocket
üNew Chain
üNew Plugs
üRecent New Battery
üNew Brake Pads
üMOT (for UK)
üHand Guards
üBagster Hand Warmers
üMetal Mule Panniers (New 11/2007)
üBMW Top Box (New 11/2007)
üService records
üService and Technical handbook
üTool Kit
üSpare Bulbs
üSpare Keys for everything
üAbus Disc Lock
üMasterlock Coated Bike Security Chain
üMatching luggage straps
üTire Gauge
Not only is this bike ready to go and in nice condition, I will be more than happy to share with you lots of stories, help with trip planning, maintenance tips and advice.I have been there done that and would love to help you do it!!
Entire package priced for quick sale: £1495Cost of luggage and service alone total £1200…priced to move because I HAVE TO FLY TO THE USA.
Marcus SD Taylor46 28 92664918[email protected] Email contact preferred
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