Lambeg, Northern Ireland
I must admit that when God calls he calls loud and clear with no telephone required!Ever since turning the corner in Turkey, I have felt that little tugging again and as I progressed on it grew stronger and stronger, but it was not until really Austria and then my week long stay in Bamberg that I really heard it loud and clear and understood.Since then, I have steadily been walking forward or rather riding forward to that calling.I feel it from head to toe and it couldn't be clearer if it was written in the sky; it is time to come home.
My week long stay in Bamberg really gave me some quiet time to really hear what it was that I felt God was telling me.Without any doubt in my heart and mind I knew that it was time to come home.Even though I have many more countries I could visit, opportunities to sail the Mediterranean, and places I could lay on a beach somewhere, maybe get an odd job and live the European lifestyle to its fullest, I so strongly feel that this part of my journey has ended and a new journey is about to begin.
As I left Bamberg, I decided to step out faithfully and follow that calling just as I followed it in SC which led me here to this point.I thought that I might still take a little more time to slowly make my way back, thus my journey up to Denmark and stops in the Netherlands.As I was sitting in my hostel in Amsterdam it hit me again; stop dilly dallying around and GO BACK TO CHARLESTON.So without further lolly gaggingI left Amsterdam on Sunday morning and with many miles in between, the Channel Train and a ferry, I arrived yesterday morning at the doorstep in Lambeg, N. Ireland where I had departed from.WHEW!
20,000 miles (almost exactly), 22 countries, 10 ferries, 2 trains, 2 Airplanes, and 3 accidents and I finally arrived back at my Aunt and Uncles home in Lambeg.What an incredible journey, but my journey was never really about the miles, or the incredible places I saw and amazing people I met.It was much more than that.It was about truly following the Lord.It was about moving from one known path in life to a completely different one with many unknowns. This journey though, is really nothing new for me.It is just another segment in my continual walk with Christ and my growing as one of his Children.Throughout my life, God has been grooming me for each next step and it is through my looking back at all the experiences, trials and tribulations that I constantly see God at work.The difficult thing is to then look forward into the darkness and just walk and know that the Lord will light your path just enough to take your next step.
So here I sit, looking back now on an amazing journey in the saddle of a motorcyclefilled with many experiences, trials and tribulations, still not yet seeing all the things that I have learned and how I have grown.As time goes on I will continually see and understand.As I look back, I also look forward to the next step.Just as I stepped out faithfully, by boarding a plane into the somewhat unknown and traveled to Europe, I clearly know what the next step is for me; get back on that plane and get back to Charleston.The light on my path does not reach much farther than that, although I have seen little glimmers of what is to come, but that is not my worry.I must step faithfully one foot in front of the other and wait and see what the Lord has in store for my next little journey in life.I have yet to be disappointed!
I just dropped off my bike to get a much needed service and muffler repair before I start the process of getting her sold.The next week will be spent writing advertisements for the bike and getting it all cleaned up which after 20,000 miles of grime will be no small task.As soon as I get her sold, I will be back on a plane heading for Charleston and the next journey that lay ahead.For now I know what I have to do and the rest will come.With Easter around the corner I am very much looking forward to worshiping in my native tongue and having that time to not only rejoice in the resurrection, but also prayerfully prepare for what lay ahead.
I am so very excited about the next journey the lord will carry me on.I don't know exactly what it will look like, where it will be or for what purpose, but I know it will be amazing.I am looking forward to getting back also and seeing all of you.One thing I know for sure that I have learned on this trip is just how important your friends and family are, so I hope everyone is ready for a lot of fun outings, coffee breaks and just because hello visits.
See you soon!!!!
PS…don't worry though, just because I am not riding a motorcycle around Europe does not mean that I won't continue to have incredible adventures with fantastic stories to share with you on this website.My journey has not ended and really is just beginning so be sure and stay tuned to see where it leads me next.
Be sure and watch the 2 new videos
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