Woke up to a beautiful sunny day - still have not seen any rain since we left 80 days ago!! Pottered around and eventually left with all our swimming/snorkelling/fishing gear to Cape Range National Park. We took a quick look at Town Beach, where the new marina area can be viewed, and then drove over to the west side (and we saw 2 emus walking along the roadside), first stop the Tantabiddi Boat Ramp - the water was really choppy, which was confirmed by the Ranger when we dropped into the Milyering Visitor Centre - he suggested to be cautious today due to strong currents - we had seen massive waves of water crash into the ledge of the reef which is a few hundred metres from shore, all along our drive so weren't too surprised. Also, tragically a boat had overturned this morning due to the strong currents, just up near Bundegi Beach.
Taking all this on board, and after a spot of shopping in the Visitor's Centre we travelled south to Yardie Creek (via Lakeside where there were a few too many people), a really nice spot with a gorge - we did the nature walk and the gorge trail, with great views of the gorge, as well as the Ningaloo Reef. There was a very tame wallaby on the way, and we could hear birds nesting in the walls of the gorge. There was a great little area with picnic tables so that's where we had lunch. On the way back north to Exmouth, we stopped at Sandy Bay - the Ranger had recommended this place for a swim, so we stuck with his advice. There were a couple of kite surfers doing great tricks, and 2 families so we weren't alone. Renee & Eamon got the snorkels on and had a good play in a calm bay with small waves, while Dad pretended to fish. Mum just sat and observed. We had a go at making some weird sand creations with moats, etc until the water came in and washed them away.
We headed back, and took note of some places we'll come back to tomorrow (and we saw 2 wallabies crossing the road ahead of us!). By the time we got home it was 5pm, so Mum walked up the road to the Ningaloo Reef Gym and did a token bodypump class, while Renee played in the playground and Eamon played soccer with 'the boys'. At 7pm, the nightly movie was on, so Eamon watched 'Puss in Boots'. We tried a new dinner using some frozen salmon - it was a hit and nice and light.
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